Posts by Tutz
1e on the round shield 10vs undead / -3hex
1e -- ing: Alpha Tutz
last up before i merch the stuff - Alexa Jaide, plz tell me when u are online
*bump* let me know, when u are online
Sb on the other Runic Axe (2e)
ing: Omega Tutz
ty guys
u can sell it for 20e+ easy. i know that cause i alrdy sold many dual Vamp bows (high req/ dumb Skins). "post" it in kama - im Pretty sure u will get offers
1a @ nr. 11
IGN: Omega Tutz
50e ---> 19
IGN: Omega Tutz
Bo Staff q9 commune - 2a
1a + 10e on the Bo
retract found ingame sorry
retract found ingame sorry
retract found ingame sorry
75e on the commune
ign: Omega Tutz
got deathbane for ya
25e on the Gold jade bow to start
Agree with Ddraeg - i have seen a lot about this price
thx so far
-- added a nice Plagueborn Focus für the Mes Lovers out there
bump -^^ added new low q shields
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b/o the Abo Tonic
trapdoor Tonic and bone Dragon to me plz
ign: Omega Tutz
b/o 3
ign: Omega Tutz
b/o Eternal Shield
s/b on the Plat Wand (channel) 30e
b/o on the dual Vamp gladius
last bump for the spiked targe
(24h left)
r/b for the Spiked met (48h) left
-- ingame offers will be ignored (sorry - no offense!)