Posts by I Ponder Fools
Looking to buy Japanese guild creation service, thanks
bump, already delivered some items. I do plan on selling all items with a bid eventually, feel free to pm me in game also
I'll be selling the items throughout weekend/next week when i get time, ty -
el priest 15a
shields pending delivery, and cr1 bidding ending tomorrow
bump, added dv weapons
bladed shield 11 tac -3 hex +45we - 25e
Removed shields, added 2 items. Sorry to anyone with outstanding offers on the shields but I misplaced them or binned them -
bump, gonna remove shields with no interest and add more some time next week
gonna deliver shields with bids this weekend probably
Bid ty
S1: S11: S21: C1: C11: S2: 3asoldS12: 3a soldS22: 3asoldC2: C12: 3a soldS3: S13: S23: 1a Captain Krompdown C3: C13: S4: S14: 20e olsen21 S24: 25esoldC4: C14: S5: S15: S25: 3asoldC5: C15: S6: 1a Charb S16: S26: C6: S7: 3asoldS17: S27: C7:soldS8: 3a soldS18: 15a soldS28: C8: S9: S19: 15a soldS29: 1asoldC9: S10: 2asoldS20: C10:soldCelestials & Misc
M1: M11: L1: M2: M12: L2: M3: L3: 100e Hairy Knight M4: 2a + 50e soldL4: M5: L5: M6: 10esoldL6: M7: L7: M8: L8: M9: L9: M10: Dual Vamps
v1 isnt a dv!!! added it on accident
V1: V6: 50e Excite Blue V11: V2: 50e Abaddon V7: 50e Excite Blue V12: V3: V8: V4: V9: soldV5: 2a Anti V10: sold -
q11 Defender +45wE +10 vs Demons
os1 3a r/b
os34 1a r/b
joras 1e each