Posts by idjut
10a SWS, 20a forked
Wow, that's incredible. Time and time again you come up with these amazing collections. Thank you!
bump, added new item
EDIT: Found Chaos Axe, ty :heart:
Q5 6-13 Savage Daggers b/o plsRetract, sorry. Found a pair on my alt account.
Q8/15 is sadly not worth anything, I’d take whatever I could get for those or merch. Q8/16 Adamantine around 50-75e is reasonable.
q7/15 SotW 130e (same)
q6/13 Darkwing 100e (considering it’s not even max for q6)
Retract on both items, too much greed involved in those b/o's
2 : Celestial Shield q9 tac +10vs demon +45ench = 40a
B/O on this one pls
q7/15 SotW 130e (same)
q6/13 Darkwing 100e (considering it’s not even max for q6)
imo more like 25 but ye, agree with both
Agree with Jack, 25-50e
q7/15 SotW 130e
Bump. Closing this one on sunday, not enough interest
Bump, this needs more/higher bids or it’s off the market for now.
Bump, now looking for q9 tac Darkwing Defenders
who is saying mice are inferior???
I guess I am just old mouse has a tale (wired) though it does have extra buttons, I never use thumb doesnt like to do extra work either!
I only use wired mice too! I’m sure the wireless mice got better over the years. But my experience with them wasn’t pleasing at all
I use WASD or click to move for movement. Skills 1-5 with the corresponding numbers on my keyboard. Skills 6-8 with Q, E and R. Weapon sets are Z, X, V and B. I click the party window to target.
I’ve always used a standard 5-button mouse. In my opinion the 3000-button mice are just a gimmick. I’ve never ran out of keys on my keyboard for binds, ever. Also, most of those mice have inferior sensors (lag, jitter, acceleration etc), which is horrible when playing any type of FPS. Which is also true for most mice on the market.