5a on q7/15 Wooden Buckler
Posts by idjut
Even i already trademod some goldtrims with notorious gvg players, i only recommand :
- Motoko Paradigm
- Emma Pu Pu
- Billiard The Bold (inactive)
They proved multiples times they can be super safe.I second this. Never personally used Billiard, but Emma and Motoko can be trusted 100%
Bump, still looking
Bump, lowered b/o
Yes, happened to me twice today. Also no email notifications!
I’m open to bids on the remaining three items, this thread is no longer b/o only.
Lowered b/o some more.
Lowered some b/o's
Thanks for all your purchases! Most items delivered to their new owners. Added some more items.
Bump, added lots of items!
Thank you for bids so far! q8 SSS & q13 BDS communing will be sold to the highest bid in 24 hours.
Looking for a few q7/15 tactics inscribable shields, blue/purple/gold. I’m interested in the following skins:
Summit Warlord Shield
Spiked Targe
Wooden Buckler
Round Shield
Adamantine Shield
20/18 Sundering Axe mod
Let me know if you have any of the items above for sale and I’m sure we can come to an agreement that suits us both!