Posts by Coffee Man
14-25 is current max dmg for bows (as far as I know), however they used to drop as 14-27.
You can check out this thread for further info regarding gear stat ranges: GW gear stat ranges and Gallery - Rebirth
I do recall that I've seen a q7 15-27 bow back in the days, but I can't seem to find that screenshot anywhere so I can't value it as a legit statement, just my memory until proven otherwise
As for an actual use for it I reckon Joker is on the right track with speed clears, but apart from that I can't come up with an occasion where you'd want a bow like this, other than collecting it for whatever reasons you might have
15a on Q9 Resto Platinum Staff
S/B #2 Wingblade Sword
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Curses, 20/20 Curses -7a ~ New
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Illusion, 20/20 Illusion - 7a ~ New
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Fire Magic, 20/20 Fire Magic - 7a ~ Same as before
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Curses, 20/20 Curses - 5a
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Fire Magic, 20/20 Fire Magic - 7a
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Illusion, 20/20 Illusion - 6a
IGN --> Azeral Styx
q9 15^50 Ironwing Flatbow - 10e
q9 15^50 Hornbow (mursaat skin) - 20e
Sup matey.
First of all: This is just my opinion and I am a bit off the market on prices, so take that in mind.
Personally I only know of about 3-4 other q8 post nerf staffs. That being said, this is probably the least fancy of those (both skin & stat wise). I probably wouldn't sell it for less than 50a myself cause of the rarity (I probably wouldn't sell it at all, but yeah), but honestly I have trouble seeing it reach those number if you would put it up for sale. I'd say 30a~ish is a more likely number to get if you'd do that..
Again, this is just my opinion and I might be miles off about the price, but that's what I think. Maybe it helps, or maybe not
Brambe Recurvebow x1 - 5e
Bramble Hornbow x1 - 5e
Bramble Longbow x1 - 5e
Feathered Longbow x1 - 5e
Not sure why someone would pay 5-8a for a naked q9 Blood Dragon staff with an Adept mod on it, I would be very happy if I got 150e for it
3. Personally I'd merch it, but might get 2-4e if patient, though I doubt it.
4. I'd merch
6. Agree with Cloud, 5-10e
9. I would merch, but might get 2-4e if patient.
12a each for Cockatrice Staff & Platinum Staff
1a each for the q7 bows
Req9 Outcast Staff (Air Magic) 20/20 OS - 75e
Alrighty then even though there hasn't been much change to it last couple years
As they say, "Ask, and it shall be given you".
P.S I apologize for the big pictures
And in tribute to Pleikkis previous post, here's
little side project that I've been working on. Ofcourse they're nowhere near as fancy as the q8s though..
Amazing stuff everyone, as always
Here's my warrior toys (also threw in the ones customized to my ranger)..
I've been looking for that shield for ages!!!!!!!!