sold sws/dead sword
added demon embossed/cane
sold sws/dead sword
added demon embossed/cane
up, dead sword will be sold over 21hrs
R/b's are added
Q8 Dead sword -
I have one that i might let go if the price is right.
IGN: Layla The Omega
ty for all the pm bids, the goth is sold, since the item isn't mine and has reached the price the owner wanted.
added 3 new shields, enjoy
up added b/o on some items
bump added some new stuff
upzz added some 15^50 weapons
upp added q9 channeling raven staff.
upp added some new stuff
b/o's added
sold zodiac
upp added some wands
i am back.
Thanks for all the offers so far, rbs are added.
added a few new items.
adding some remaining items that im willing to put up for sale.
upp. sold some items
added some items that i got recently from vq/cr/missions
will add some items the next time, some q9s tho
I don't really want to argue about this any further. I have said my opinion and now i will become once again a hermit.
My last words will be, there are crazy people in this world.
PS: I didn't know you will get this offensive about it, It was my honest opinion and since you are agressively attacking me like that, it means that I am right after all.
This sums up that you can't handle criticism very well. Trust me i have a PHD in psychology.
I was being sarcastic, sorry if you didn't get that.
I am giving my honest opinion about this. I just feel this whole story is just too fishy. why? Well let me explain. I understand that people can encounter really nice people ingame, but for them to give away all their wealth after coming back to the game and then ''magically'' disappears? Sounds way too fairy tail to me.
The remaining 25% is probably borrowed from you guys, (Kromp/Kabong etc) which is understandable tho, don't get me wrong i would help my friends out too.
Kabong I like how you said the ''part of the beauty of these items is how they carry the history of the game''. I agree with you there, but if the item has a dirty past and i know about it, i would rather not buy it instead.
RMT is not a cheat if the game allows it (goldsellers in kamadan etc), It keeps the little bit of economy left ingame running. With the recent banwave the economy pretty much got fucked. Many people can't get their items sold as fast as in the past anymore, since there are less bidders, there are less rich people who can burn some arms, except for the PhD guys ofcourse!.
I am now the proud owner of the r8 15/stance Crystalline Sword. I was given a chance to preserve it within the guild whose very existence is dedicated to locating and preserving the very finest items. And it fits perfectly.
I had to beg, borrow and borrow some more for this, but since two old friends from my speedclearing days returned to the game about six weeks ago, there has been a series of events which unfurled in front of me which I could hardly believe. They donated their entire combined wealth to me because they weren't interested in playing any more but were curious who was actually still playing. I was the only one left on their friends list who still logged in, and so we began reminiscing about the old days. When I said I was retired from trading but had my eye on this, they gave me everything they had left, and disappeared into the mists of time once more. I was still quite a long way short of the asking price.
I now owe quite a lot to some other friends who agreed that this sword should be with its brothers and I have called in every favour I was owed, but I managed to borrow the rest and was able to make an offer which was accepted.
So, I am absolutely blown away by the generosity of my two old friends who gave me 75% of the price of this sword , and humbled by the others who have lent me the rest. When I realised there was a chance I could do this, I didn't hesitate. In accordance with their wishes, my donors have remained anonymous, but they know who they are and if they're reading this, I can't begin to express how grateful I am.
I am truly happy for you max, now customize it and let this be done.
I also wish that i had friends like that, coming online and giving all their wealth away just so i can obtain that one rare item... oh wait i could do that with RMT right?
i have a q9 dualvamp chaos axe, pm me here or ingame. I am curious how much you're willing to pay.
ign: layla the omega