I think you pricings are a bit on the high side, a q9 eblade should be around 60a. Just because people sell those items at a price they want, doesn't mean they will be sold. Actually the prices of eblades/bds are dropping, a q9 eblade used to be more than 60a.
Posts by Keitax
you all need a life, lmao
veel beterschap Emma
bump, buyer asked for an extention on the zodiac so i will let it sit for a week or two.
350e #4
IGN: Layla The Omega
R/b's added
bump, bo added and lowered
B/o's all added
added 2 more q8+5es and some left overs
added 4 q9 eternal shields
sold some items, added bo and q8 inscr flamberge
as promised 30-2we shields and some 30-3
upp will add 30-2we shields tomorrow.
added b/o's on q8 sword - added new q8 items
added q8+5e vertebreaker and q8 skeleton shield + q8 bows.
- Q9 Tac Eternal Shield x215e/earetract, bought ingame
added alot of new items, will be adding more whenever these are sold.
r/bs are added will sell soon, since i got more to add
those 2 bladeds are sold
added new items, gl
rbs are added
added 6 new shields,
added some new stuffs, sold some stuff
back to being unactive ;p
.. ... b. u. m. p.
added some os magmas, won't be on much these days due to work.
Bump, not online much, pm here if you need something
been unactive these couple days,
added some new stuffs which i got from chesting.
added plat sticks and outcast sticks.
added 3 1 off magmas
edit: lowered prices on 15^50 and +5e