Posts by Keitax
q9 Fire Zodiac Shield 500e
q9 Zodiac Shield +10 fire -2w/e - 300e
q9 round shield +10 undead -2 wench - 250e -
upp uppzzzzzz
#4 Shadow Shield R9 STR DF+1/20 +45wE - 250e
uppp sold some shields.
i don't see the vertebreaker going for more than 10a tbh
the shield imo isn't worth that much either. 100-150e (it's max dmg for that req but ppl want to have max armor shields (16) ). -
is it max armor? if yes would say 10a+
it should worth the same atm, rate of cookies vs cakes.
if you want you can keep the cookies and maybe next yr they might go up a lil bit. (before halloween)
both daggers merch, cuz not even max dmg
tall shield 10-50e
aureate - 1-10e -
raven staff req9 divine hct 10% - 400e
raven staff req9 divine hct 10% - 200e
layla the omega / layla du noir
added new stance shields.
sold some stance shields.enjoy.
just got back from holidays, and i am still alive ;D
thanks chevy for the last shadow staff that i need
Last bump, i will be on holidays so will probably be gone for a 1week-2weeks
will post r/b or b/o after im back, sorry for the inconvenience -
amber fire - 20-50e
winged - 150-350e ( i guess my prices are outdated, don't mind me ) -
eternal bow - 100-250e
cele bow - 15-30a (depending on interest it might go up) -
bumpp b/o's added on those items i added recently.
will remove the q8 weapons friday. -
upp thanks found some but still missing these
q8 shields removed, some items are sold
added more items. -
r/b added
Thanks for all the offers so far, i will add r/b probably next week.
sorry for the delay on adding c/o's.
thanks for all the offers so far, but i won't sell them for the current offers. -
reinforced 50e tops imo, eventho it's rare to see a ''vs skeletons'' the skin itself is not wanted.
merch -
merch all the way.
Added sexy items, enjoy.
bump raised the price on these, if you find them.
bump b/o's added on all, trying to get all gone by tuesday. merchant is available 24/7
added many more items and new shield set.
ps @ mod, again, i am not sure if it's past the 24hrs, please be easy on me