Q8 grinning recurve bow 15^ench - 450e
Purple crystalline swords
Q8 +11^ench
Q8 +12^ench
Q8 +13^ench
Q9 13^ench
Q9 14^ench
Q9 13^st
Q9 14^St
Q8 grinning recurve bow 15^ench - 450e
Purple crystalline swords
Q8 +11^ench
Q8 +12^ench
Q8 +13^ench
Q9 13^ench
Q9 14^ench
Q9 13^st
Q9 14^St
Shield of the Wing q9 Tacs +45/-2 wE - 250e
Tall Shield q9 +10 Piercing -2wE - 150e
Tall Shield q9 -20% Dazed +30HP - 100e
Defender q9 +10 Piercing +30HP - 125e
Ornate Shield q9 Str -2st +30HP - 500e
100e embossed aegis
850e aegis
450e jade staff
750e aegis
bump new stuffs.
Aegis q9tac -2wE 30hp => 350e
Heal x2
Prot x2
Smite x2
Divine x2
Insp x2
jade staff 350e
bringg up z
jade staff 20/20 blood 200e
500e celestial shield, this shield is getting ppl high af
new shields added enjoy
Req9 Tac Diamond Aegis
+10 vs blunt dmg
500e dwarven axe
260e dwarven axe
s11 211e
offers on the rest are same
200e dwarven axe
#11 35a rest the same
#11 25a
#12 250e
offers on rest are same
150e dwarven axe
#11+#12 25a on both chaos axe
#2 150e
#5 30e (ps hGt didnt offer on #5, it was #2, unless he pmed you ingame)
bump added some items enjoy
S11 200e
S17 350eS20 same retracted
I will also sb the platinum staff, ripp didnt see that:)
100e dwarven axe
S11 - 150e
S17 - 300eS20 - 50e retract
s/b gavel
150e on the 420 celestial
you know my ign and how to reach me outside game ;O!!
smite platinum 20/20 300e
q9tac 10-2we piercing, i sold one back in the days for 1300e, but that was just crazy. i would assume they being around 500e ish due the rarity, even if they're easy to farm.
q9tac 30-2we would be 1000-1500e imo
q9tac 45-2we should be around 800e range
50-100e don't see it go for more tbh, unless you hooked up some crazy person with $$