Posts by Keitax
ching the assassin
bump, added some b/o's and new items
Post -
b/o's are added, everything must go.
1000e bladed
600e amber aegis -
14 - 90e
31 - 30eching the assassin
up sold some stuffs
17 - 50e
all your bones too, depending on npc price. -
Df prot outcast 550e
Dom outcast 350e
Curse bo 350e -
q9 dwarven axe 13^50 - 100e
up lowered some b/o's
uppp zzzz
q9tac +30/-2ench Exalted Aegis - 15a
150e celestial shield, damn that 420 is nice lmao haha
sorry jamie ;/
q9tac +30/-3hex Exalted Aegis - 500e
b/o added on the hex shields
b.o b1
upzzzzzzzzz, added q9str echo 30-2we
el beetle 15a
B1 - 100e
added new items enjoy
B1 = 50e
you kno wmy ign
bump prices are lowered
zodiac staff 100e max imo, it's single mod.
r/b and b/o's are added, might be a tough pill to swallow, but I might lower the b/o's
possibly r/b and b/o's added begin next week.
i will buy all you elite tomes:)
layla the omega
30a gloom,retract, funds are used somewhere else. -
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]
25a-gloomretract, funds are used somewhere else.[/font] -
Gloom Shield q9: +10 vs undead +45 Wench - 16a
Layla the omega
thanks for all the bids so far.
added more items (wands/focus)
layla the omega