Posts by Keitax
7. q9 +5e Oni Blade - 4a
b/o lowered, removed some items and added a water raven staff
B/O's Added on everything, also lowered on some.
HoD 65a
added 9 new os shields also b/o's added for the rest of the magma sale.
q9s gloom 45-2we 26a
added 7 new magmas
q9s gloom 45-2we 20a
q9s gloom 45-2we 10a
bump, 5hrs remaining untill r/b time will be reached.
If there are last min bids on those the r/b time will be pushed by another 12hrs. -
r/b's added
q9 20/10 Raven Staff - Earth b/o
Sold the last batch of items, another new magma added
520 Jade Wind Orbs - 10asry didnt see you were batchselling
OS Ghostly Staff q9(DF) 20/20 Healing - 12a20
some r/b reached and sold.
added 5 new magma shields -
ofc we playing
Exalted Aegis q9t 44ench/-2 ench
r/b added and most are reached.
Ghostly Staff 15a
Woven shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 10a
Crude shield q7/15 tac, insc, gold - 10a
added 6 new shields, sold 3 shields