I would love to have a wider selection of headgear / helms.
Posts by Peter Crypt
Hey, the Mantle have babes too, you know. Just wait until the Witness Casori calendar comes out. You'll see.
(oh it gets worse, just wait)
Sister Tai
Dirk Shadowrise or Syn Spellstrike
the poster above me has given her account of the counting
Herta - she's more down to Earth
Brutus or Sheena
the poster above me may or may not have a favorite number
some are heroes
Daeman (BHA)
Claude or Eve
The poster above me managed to pick one of my favorite numbers, so it worked out anyway.
The poster above me should never tell me the odds
smacking with snark
(you will pick her...flowers?)
run or fight to Sanctum Cay / skip the Jungle or play through the Jungle
the poster above me knows about the complaint department
Livia (all day... and all of the night ;)) (I hate Cynn... I flag her solo into mobs just for lolz)
pre-searing Gwen or EotN Gwen
(I paired them for their size, lol. Yes, W over D, but I do like a W & D tandem in my front line)
Margrid the Sly
Margrid the Sly or Master of Whispers
Ecto Been main currency for Ever Peter. Ive used ectos to trade since 05 lol. Anyway i think thats Quite close to truth that ppl Merchant ecto. Price allways changed And IT aint 1st Time its this low
Maybe in high end trading it was, but not for common trades...at least it was never apparent to me while viewing trade chat or while making trades (never had to ask someone if they'd take platinum instead of ecto). Everything in Spamadan trade chat today is listed for ecto, rarely do you see a mention of plat. Just one man's observation. Mileage may vary.
I came back to the game after a 3 year break and saw ecto as the main trade currency... and hated the idea. I understand the practicality aspect for large transactions, but I prefer using & receiving gold / plat whenever possible.
MOX or Jora
heaping helping of
(lol pfft)
Zhed (he sure hates us 2-leggers, but he's a reliable work...horse)
Koss or General Morgahn
the poster above insists we clear the beach first (truth, I live 5 minutes from the beach)
the poster above me likes beach
more or less
last Monday night
(Haha....yes, Tahlkora is a kid, fresh out of the house... everything is new and exciting. Wow...why so savage on Mhenlo?)
Prince Leeroy Rurik. Who wants to live forever, right?
Stefan or Little Thom
prot (PS forever)
Tahlkora or Mhenlo
with monster underneath
Lie that a news article on guildwars2.com stating that GuildWars will shut down in 3 months. That's punishable by death, followed by swift corpse exploitation, naturally.
/violin or /guitar (since it was overlooked)
Posts that go *bump* in the night.
Curses (more fun)
/violin or /guitar