Hi there ! I'm lf a Death Magic BDS. I don't know the price, feel price to post your answer of pm me IG :
LF Q9,10 or 12 Death Magic BDS
Not sure if I'm at the right place !
See ya
Find IG, could you close this thread please ?
Hi there ! I'm lf a Death Magic BDS. I don't know the price, feel price to post your answer of pm me IG :
LF Q9,10 or 12 Death Magic BDS
Not sure if I'm at the right place !
See ya
Find IG, could you close this thread please ?
I appreciate this, love to play with some 'epic' items, I'm interested by :
Flame Artifact (Eye-type) - req9 Fire Magic
Goldleaf Defender - req9 Command
IGN : Rem Le Destructeur
15e/ea on :
Eternal Shield Q10 and Q12 Str
Shadow Shield q10 Str
Shield of the Wings Q11 Tac
If these items are still available I will take it :
Round Shield 13 Tactics -2wE +10 Lightning
Round Shield 11 Tactics +10 Cold -2wE
Ornate Shield 12 Strength -2wE +10 Fire
Gothic Defender 10 Strength -2wE Smite +1 (20)
Gothic Defender 12 Tactics +10 Earth -2wE
I appreciate it Purely
Hi mate,
Think I have a Plagueborn Shield Q13 Tac with attributes needed.
Pm me in game
Hi guys !
I'm back in the game and I want some information about the value on the following items :
OS Plagueborn Shield Q9 Tac hp+30 -2wS
Ornate Buckler Q4 Armor 12 Ins
Thanks !
Req9 Celestial Scepter 10/10 Channeling 20e
Colossal pick and Outcast Shield 20e/ea
- Q10 Strength Bladed Shield [-2 w/ Stance | +44 w/ Stance] : 30e
Hi, after few chst runs my bag is full so I need a PC on this items before I'll sell/merch it
70e/ea on 3 and 4
Chaos Axe q9 15^Stance 5e
Wintergreen spear q9 15e
Need a PC on this item please
Gothic Defender q12 Str -2^stance/+45^stance 35e
[q12str bladed 30-2ws] : 1a
4. Echovald q12 Strength +10 vs Piercing / +30hp : 1a
Q13 Channeling Dragon Staff 20/20 40e
Hello ! Need a PC on this item. Thanks
Hi everyone ! Could you give an idea of the price on this item please ?
***mod edit--do NOT change the title when you close your thread, ONLY ADD closed to it---mod edit***
25e/ea :
Ghotic : #14---Q11 str -2 stance +45 stance
Ornate : #9---Q9 str -2 stance +45 stance
18. q9 – Embersteel Blade 5e
Hi 60e for the Bladded Shield
Hey, q9 Chaos Axe +5e : 20e
Round Shield q10 Tac +1^20 Heal / -2^ench 5e
q12 tac Plagueborn Shield - Dom +1 20% 28 hp 60e
Hi, b/o Req10tac Skull Shield +1(20%) Healing -2wE 10e
Retract find in game