Posts by Lovegood
10e on each CC except Smiting
ok, pm me in game anytime or pm me on Legacy if you want a schedule
IGN: Yung Rocks -
Both focus cores of aptitude for 2e?
IGN: Yung Rocks -
Dump the lump to gump
Pump the bump to hump
Hey guys, I'm looking to get the last Gems I need for my armbrace, and DoA is getting really boring so...
I have 10 Margo, 14 Stygian, 16 Torm and 16 Titan.
So, in order to get the Arm + possibly using the remaining Gems for a coffer in order to free some space, I'm looking for one of those deals:
-WTB 5/6 Margo + 1/2 Stygian: 3e/4e
-WTT 1 Torm + 1 Titan + 1e for 5 Margo + 1 Stygian
Thanks in advance!
IGN: Yung Rocks -
Voltaic Spear sold for 40e, have fun with it!
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Just got my price, thanks again to Misty =)
Can't resist to tell you that I looted a q10 Voltaic Spear 1 minute before getting the armbrace from Misty so now I just look faaaaaabulous with Shield + Spear (I'm soooooo hyped :DDD can't stop starring at my new weapons *.*)
Anyone knows how much is the spear worth? =) it's max damagesLet's do game 2 Misty
I think the B) and C) rules you introduced are perfect for balancing the game. The issues pointed out by cosyfiep and Marty make sense but shouldn't actually be problematic though, as in my opinion everyone is going to keep it entertaining and won't try to winwinwiwnwin absolutely. So I think you should keep the game running with your new rules, and stop it only if there are actual cases of unfairplay.
"Yeah, your guess (Weapon of Remedy) could still be correct." I knew it hehehe
My ign is Yung Rocks, I can go online all day, my time zone is France so it's 10:17 am at the moment =)
Thank you for the entertaining game and the priceCan't believe I'm finally going to have an armbrace of my own *.* I have only 40 gemstones at the moment and got bored of doing DoA...
Is there anything else than the Shields that are beautiful and worth using the armbrace? =) I don't know the skins of Tormented weapons and GWW screenshots don't really help :o
Yeyeyeyey -
Is it Weapon of Remedy?
^ this -
Father's day
Hey, I'm continuing here a discussion about the rules started on the first game thread
So, I personnally think that giving the right skill should make one auto-win, regardless of the randomly picked question of the day. That is notably to prevent the disappointing situation where one would give the right skill, not be answered, ask a different question like "is it green", then get "stolen" by someone giving the same answer later in the game. Of course it would lead to people starting giving skills earlier in the game, to the detriment of the clues. That's why I think there could be a rule like "no more than 5 skills guess per person per game" or "one can't follow a skill guess by another one".
I know it complicates the whole thing, but really, imagine someone giving 4 times the right answer and not getting pickedit's more fair if the first to say it gets it
Also, think about the players who would want to stick to an answer they think is right, but would also like to keep participating in the questions for clues... :0 That would spoil the game a bit right?
Sorry for any english mistake and I hope my point doesn't look too stupid ^^' -
Master of Magic?
Hey, clarify this please: you answered Has telling him that his skill guess was wrong. But don't we win automatically when guessing the right skill? Right now it looks like we have to guess it right AND to be the daily picked question.
Is it Weapon of Remedy?
Is it Ritualist?
Is it Xinrae's Weapon? °-°
(yeah I'm starting to guess directly but the list is quite short now :p) -
Is it a Ritualist skill?
Does it have an AoE?
Thanks, I just checked, the Kamadan outpost in my server is empty so I never realised there was still so many trades.
To conclude what I started in the OP, I just defeated Mallyx, it was a bit disappointing as it was super easy but perhaps it's supposed to be challenging particularly in HM? I'll try it out.
Thanks again for your replies guys =) -
I backed off against the tentacles and killed every repop one by one, it worked thanks
For the moment I have just cleaned the City easily, the Stygian Veil now, and I tried once the Darkness but lost to all the repops of the Great Darkness that I did not expect.
I'm checking the wiki all the time xD I read so much threads on it that I can't count x) But only after trying stuff by myself in order not to get spoiled(I'm one of these people who played a lot of GW when they were younger without even knowing what they were really doing and then came back years later and understood how many things they missed back then :p)
Completely off topic, but I don't want to flood this forum any more with my newbies questions
So let's abuse of you:
-How much is worth an armbrace in terms of gold?
-Is there a thread out there which lists the price of mini-pets? ;w; I'm desperately looking to sell mine, I have stuff like Shiro or Kuunavang that are completely useless to meSorry for any english mistake
Hi, I'm trying to do DoA but can't get through the Stygian Veil because of the Smothering Tendrils, what should I do against them? Go far away, kill one, go far away, kill the new monsters etc? My group always gets hugely damaged right after destroying one of the Tendrils, is there anything I should know about it?
hello,i have a book of secrets which i can sell you, message me in game!
ign X ChilliThanks! c: I never do stuff with other players usually so I don't know if we can do it if we're not in the same server? :o
Hey, nothing big here. I'm a casual player looking to buy a Book of Secrets in order to get a Spirit of the Forgotten, so if you have any of both... (or a SotF-like item in terms of stats ofc) c: Please I really need it c:
Even if you don't want to sell me one, may you tell me how much I should pay for it? Something like 8k right? -
Hey, I have twice this:
Anyone needs it? It's free ::) (though I wouldn't say no to a zealous dagger tang if you have a spare one) -
Congrats all!
Will there be any other event such as this one on this forum? -
25 if possible