Posts by OIL
Looking to get rid of a few OS and non OS items. All are max damage/armor.
Will post B/O's on items without after a few days and gauging offers.
1. Q8 Tactics Bladed Shield| -2 While in Stance|| +43 hp While in stance
C/O: 30a - Nimbly Crow
2. Q8 Zealous Fellblade of Fortitude [15% While in Stance]
3. q8 Sundering Chaos Axe of Fortitude [15% while enchanted]
4. q8 Sundering Runic Axe of Axe Mastery [15% -5e]
5. q8 Icy Zodiac Axe of Enchanting [14^50]
C/O: 15a - Flint
6. q8 Tactics Stone Summit Shield| -2 while enchanted|| +45 while enchanted||Inscript
C/O:5a -Shotcaller
7. q8 Tactics Warlord shield||+45 while enchanted||-5 while enchanted||Inscript
C/O:5a -Shotcaller
C/O updated, glad to see a good spirited auction.
I'll close this thread tomorrow @ 4:00pm EST, highest offer wins by then!
- +12 energy q8 fire
- HCT Water magic 20%
- HSR Fire magic 20%
PC'd this about a year ago and there was some interest. Looking for offers, no B/O set yet
C/O: 130e - Emma
edit (merged by mod)
Emma wins!
Sorry for coming back to this almost two weeks later, rarely use this forum and completely forgot about it!
Pm me your ign to collect.
****MOD EDIT---do NOT bump your thread to close it or 'sold', by doing this you are pushing an open thread off of the first page. PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules--thread is now CLOSED--MOD EDIT****