Posts by MaxBorken

    Because otherwise people will abuse it? People don't ask for permission to cheat, they look for lack of enforcement

    Also, what Lexx said above

    the problem with that approach is that eventually there will be a choice for Toolbox if this attitude is adopted - comply or get squashed.

    Also for any prospective replacement programs too. It would be less work to blanket-ban all third party programs than to adapt the existing code accordingly.

    But I really hope it doesn’t come to that. I’d like to see a middle ground.

    But why should Anet be expected to alter their game server-side to accommodate a third party program? No no no no. That’s entirely upside down thinking. The third party program should not be allowed to do it in the first place. It’s not Anet’s job to accommodate Toolbox, it’s Toolbox’s responsibility to comply with Anet.

    It’s worth keeping in mind that toolbox has evolved quite a lot since guru went down, with a lot of powerful new features which wouldn’t have been present when those statements were made. Any comments made back then by Anet staff are likely out of date now and so not relevant. We could do with a bit more of their current thinking rather than out-dated opinions. The question of where the line needs to be drawn should be considered carefully.

    So many beautiful items.

    Inspired by Kabong's posting of 20 highlights from his vault (and badgered by Kabong himself), here are some highlights from mine. Enjoy!

    I’ll tell you a little story.

    Many years ago I had seen screenshots of these legendary items but had never met the owners. I had already decided to become a collector, inspired by Enchanted Krystal, and I made it my mission to track these items down and get to know their owners. The notion of locating and preserving the finest and rarest relics our beautiful game has bestowed upon the world was powerful motivation for me. I wanted to be a part of that. So I set about building a collection which I hoped would get me noticed by [PhD], the little guild run by Kromp and Kabong with the sole purpose of dominating the antiquity collectors’ sector of the community. My respect for those two and their collections was my main driving force to build something noteworthy along the same ideas.

    Well, to cut a long story short, they noticed me, and invited me to join that little guild, and of course I accepted - my goal was achieved. But they didn’t stop there. They promoted me to officer as well. I’m immensely proud to be associated with those two and to know that my collections rest in the same vaults as the god-like items just posted by Kromp and Kabong completes my Guildwars journey. There is no finer collection in existence than these. Even today these items inspire me to be a better collector - to aspire to greater things in this game. To own and preserve items like these is an honour, and to do so in accordance with the ancient ways of honestly acquiring them is the stuff of folklore.


    That gold seller bot you’re trying to report not in the same district? It’s programmed to jump district as soon as it’s dumped it’s spam into the chat window in an attempt to avoid being reported. So here’s how to deal with that:

    1. Click on its name in the chat to send it a whisper.
    2. Highlight it’s name in your chat window and press Ctrl-c
    3. Type /report [and then press Ctrl-v]
    4. Press return. Oh look. It’s not in the same district any more. Don’t worry. Keep doing this next bit over and over until you get it:
    5. Press return again.
    6. Press the up arrow
    7. Press return

    Repeat steps 5,6,7 until you get it. It’s programmed to cycle back into the district shortly.

    1. Report it for spamming first.
    2. Do it again and report for botting.

    There is a window of about 3-4 seconds while the bot loads into the district when the servers register it as present, but it can’t drop its spam until the load has finished. That’s when you snipe it. Headshot.


    An absolute ton. That’s a very very valuable shield. Those are rare. Very rare.

    Although it’s not OS, it’s inscribable.

    If you’re going to sell it, don’t take private offers. You’ll end up ripping yourself off spectacularly. Take your time and list it for sale here. It’s impossible to put an exact price on it, as there hasn’t been one for sale in a long time.

    No doubt Ikki can recall exactly when the last one was sold, by whom and to whom and for how much. That guy has ninja skills for that, but my mere human brain doesn’t have that data.

    Salut, étant sur un forum anglais tu risques de voir ton post supprimé si tu ne le traduis pas.

    **MOD REPLY**

    j’allais dire precisement cela 👍🏻

    I was going to say precisely the same thing, thanks Vizi.


    Beep. (for those who dont speak french, they are asking the OP to put their post in English as this is an English language no more posts requesting this, thanks)

    I would merch it, but there are some quirky collectors out there. You’d be lucky to find one though. However they wouldn’t pay much. I’d take a guess at 15-25e max in today’s messed up economy.

    Those are all valuable. I can’t give you numbers because I’m out of the loop on current pricing these days. However I can tell you that the celestial sword has great collector value as it’s the only r7 max naked sword I have ever seen. I’m not aware of another.

    The market these days is extremely unpredictable, so exact pricing is virtually impossible. Your best bet is to list stem for sale here and see where the bids take you. Don’t sell to private messages or ingame as you’ll end up ripping yourself off spectacularly as lowballing is commonplace.


    • Increased the maximum number of active minipets allowed in outposts.

    • Added a windowed Fullscreen support.
    • Added a new 8X MSAA anti-aliasing option.
    • The “Use best texture filtering” option will now take advantage of 16x Anisotropic filtering.
    • A new “Advanced” option checkbox has been added to the Graphics options panel. This will replace the “-lodfull” command line option that was added recently.
      • Model LODs will always use the highest available LOD (Level Of Detail), regardless of distance, including the disabling of “imposter” models.
      • The max draw distance will be doubled. Ground cover vegetation draw distance will be pushed out even further.
      • Terrain LODs will almost always draw in highest.
      • Note: Full changes won’t take effect until changing maps.

    • A new option has been added to suppress Whisper messages from players that don’t meet the following criteria:
      • Party member, friend, active trade partner, or recent party/team member.
    • You may now /report directly in the whisper chat window without needing to type the character name.
      • Reporting players is still restricted to the same district that you’re in.
    • Custom chat filters are now possible. To use this feature, you must create a ChatFilter.ini file. The file will be placed in the “C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Guild Wars” folder. The file layout is as follows:

    • The maximum number of friends and ignored players has been doubled to 100 and 20 respectively.

    • Added a Report button to the party search dialog.

    • Fixed an issue where your character’s LOD drops when zooming out the camera.
    • Fixed an issue where the game client becomes unresponsive when it gets minimized or sent to the background.

    It does not matter for this suggestion on how the moderators could do their job better what I agreed on.

    This is your opinion, and of course you are welcome to it. However the way we moderate this forum is exactly the same as the way was moderated. And by the same people. It worked there very successfully for the best part of 11 years and tens of thousands of users, and it has been working here for nearly two years. As such, there isn't a debate to be had at this stage on how the mods can do their jobs better, because they are already doing a very good job. We accept that we are all human, and mistakes are made, however we will not enter into any further dialogue on whether you feel Mods should be editing posts or not, and that is the end of it.


    The mods here only actually edit a user’s post when it’s necessary, and never to change what is being said. They only intervene when it’s needed to enforce the rules, or keep the peace. It’s the same on every grown up forum or group in the world.

    Our senior mods are very experienced at this and have been doing it for more than a decade, and they are very good at it too. And as Cosy said, it was agreed to when you signup for the forum. Unfortunately, time and time again, humans have proven that without a degree of moderation and rule enforcement, forums like this very quickly descend into chaos and become unusable, or they turn into 4-chan type chaos, filled with the worst traits of humanity. As with all other forums, the mods are there to keep it moving straight and true, and we recruited ours because of their proven track record at doing precisely this on the old guru site.

    We are very lucky to have the mods we do, and I am very grateful for the work they do, all on an voluntary basis, because they believe in keeping this community alive.


    Why do you ask? Nothing here has been censored or deleted. Seems like a moot point to be honest. This thread is about obsidian armour, nothing else. I replied to Jack’s comment about me modding posts concerning bots a long time ago. Nothing more.

    since max seems to be modding posts concerning bots etc.

    I did that once or twice only, and because specific bots were being discussed. We don’t allow discussion on bots here, hence I deleted the appropriate part of a couple of posts. It’s hardly a habit, and I’m simply enforcing our own rules. Discussion of anything that violates the EULA isn’t allowed here.

    Shame it’s strength. As far as I know, there is only one (maybe 2) 5/13 tactics version in existence. I’m terms of rarity, I’d say you’ve hit on a lottery win. Certainly comparably rare. But the tactics version has use for PvP, whereas your strength version does not.

    Rare doesn’t always mean valuable though. It’s one of those impossible to put a number on items. With enough demand it could go high. Very high. But that sort of demand was there in 2009. These days not so much. There is one collector I know of who has the tactics version, so maybe inclined to add yours to it for a set......

    I’d list it for sale and see where it goes.

    7/16 dualmod aegis are excruciatingly rare. Somewhere between a sh*load and a f*kload. Do NOT sell that to private bids. You’ll rip yourself off spectacularly. It’s virtually impossible to put a number on it, but I imagine it’ll go high in this messed up economy.....

    List it for sale on Legacy, and see where it goes.

    Oh my, that’s a nice one. I’m out of the loop on pricing these days, but certainly do NOT sell it to private bids. I can see this one going quite high, as scimitars aren’t seen often at all in r8 max.

    List it for sale here and see where the bids take you.

    I’ve been pondering over this since Reborn suggested it, as I have two contrasting opinions on it.

    The trader and collector in me thinks it’s a terrible idea, as he’d potentially miss out on a trade or item he needs for his collection because only the active traders would switch (and even then, only those that agree). Returning players wouldn’t know where the population had gone, and would likely not continue the comeback.

    The community focussed part of me thinks it would be an OK idea, but only for the sake of variety. It would be like asking people to use Queens as the financial district of New York. It’s already too well established. But I absolutely understand the reasons for suggesting it, as Kamadan has become a cess pit of gold sellers and bots. Like Mos Eisley, It’s a far cry from a respectable space port. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. However, if there were to be a change of venue, Lions Arch would get my vote, however I think Kamadan is too well established for any lasting change. The community couldn’t handle any sort of division.
