Posts by MaxBorken

    Some of those are priceless. That is to say it's impossible to value them because of their rarity. The Mursaat hammer, crystalline sword, and the r7s. Especially the fds. Any valuations for those would just be random numbers plucked out of the air.

    The only way to know is to list them for sale and see where the bids go.

    Perhaps in terms of rarity yes (I don't know for sure, but that sounds plausible), however in terms of desirability, it's still behind the blades and echovald with demons mods.

    Most DoA nutters want to look "bawss"?, not necessarily to own a shield just for its rarity.... I still can't see it going over 15a...

    Demons shields are always an unpredictable lot.

    First of all, to reach a high price you'd need at least two DoA nutters to be interested. These days I'd say that's harder than it sounds. Secondly, there are a couple of demons shields collectors, but they are largely inactive these days, so I wouldn't count on those guys mounting a bidbwar. Thirdly, to command a high price for a demons shield it would have to be a rare skin - bladed, echovald, outcast etc. It isn't one of those either.

    30a is a huge price for something like that. I'd have thought 15a maximum even in today's mental unpredictable market. Then again, if you can find two or more people who want it and have more money than sense, you never know these days.

    My favourite Guildwars skill isn't actually a Guildwars skill. My favourite is the skill required by the player to actually use the skills with seamless devastation, even if the skill bar isn't considered 'meta', just as Marty said above.

    Using the terrain, cover, bottlenecks, understanding recharge times vs interrupts, knowing the way the AI reacts to what you're doing.... knowing which skill combination to use in any given circumstances...

    In a nutshell, my favourite guild wars skill is contained inside the brain of the highly skilled squidgy bit of meat at the keyboard who completely understands the game mechanics and how to fluently use them to his advantage.

    Yeeeeeaaahhhh.... I'm with Surge.

    I've seen virtually everything this game has to offer when it comes to rare items, especially shields and weapons. I heard the rumours, but I haven't seen a non-inscribable sea purse shield. Until someone shows me one ingame, I'd say it's still just a rumour.

    Just a point of note with regard to the Kamadan trade chat...

    It can be manipulated, very easily by spamming a wrong or massively over-inflated asking price. The chat logs then return this lie as fact, and people can be easily misled. Do NOT trust anything you read in the chat logs unless it's a frequently sold item such as feathers or consets.

    I would merch that shield, but 50e may be possible if you can find an idiot with too much money who really wants it.

    Also, the searches you returned are nothing to do with the shield he is asking about. The shield in your examples is far more valuable than a plants version with imperfect mods.

    It should be burned immediately. The world needs to be cleansed of a such an abomination.

    Or just merch it. Nobody who appreciates decent items will miss it. It's junk.

    That could be 11 and a half years old, or dropped yesterday....if it's 11 and a half years old, it's pre-nerf. But there is absolutely no way to tell.

    But it's merch food really. If it was max damage, you'd have one of the nicest axes in history. But it's not, so you haven't ;)

    I also think that once an item cannot drop any more, the chance of it happening again has been 'nerfed'. The date the item was removed from the drop table was the day of the nerf, and anything existing before that date automatically became pre-nerf.

    This has been talked about time and time again. With regards to the terms pre-nerf and OldSchool. And actually you're right, at the start, pre-nerf did mean exactly what you say it did. And I championed keeping the meaning when the majority of people were (in my opinion) using it wrong.. But over time its definition has changed, with the introduction of inscribable items etc. Like other words have changed their meaning. In the end however, I had to concede that OldSchool meaning anything non-inscribable, and Pre-Nerf meaning anything that couldn't drop any more had become the popularly used terminology, and there was nothing an old fashioned relic like me could do about it.

    So in order to survive, I accepted and embraced it, and here we are.

    You can call it Dave for all it matters. The simple fact is that the general community decided over time (there was no great meeting attended by elders) by its changing use that Pre-Nerf means what it currently does. I didn't decide it, I just applied the commonly used vernacular to it, started collecting it, became a bit of an expert on it, and started a thread or two about it.

    This thread isn't a discussion on what is pre-nerf or not, it's a discussion on the value of stuff....

    The community in general decided upon the definition of pre-nerf several years ago, and I created a thread on the old guru site, and again on Legacy.

    I even asked the question of why it's called pre-nerf, and when it happened, here:'s%20Outpost/00026%20When%20did%20the%20great%20prenerf-postnerf%20nerf%20actually%20happen_.001.html's%20Outpost/00026%20When%20did%20the%20great%20prenerf-postnerf%20nerf%20actually%20happen_.002.html

    The price check has been given, this thread will
    Be closed.

    Assuming it's 8/16, it's a very nice shield indeed. Don't take private message or ingame offers, list it for sale here. I can see it reaching 25a+ if the demand is there. It's pre-nerf, and a rare skin with only one off perfect mods. Even though its tactics, it will still be popular.

    Nice shield.

    The host closed it down because it wasn't cost effective. They decided to try and cram it into a corner of the gw2guru instead.

    So we started Legacy to give this community somewhere independent to live, where we can become more than guru ever was.

    We even have the entire guru archive in a tab at the top so none of the knowledge is lost. It's a work in progress-we know it needs tidying up.

    I'd merch the amber. I'k keep the shadow incase I ever wanted to run by undead - it's not worth wasting the time to sell probably. I think the Gothic is worth something. But I don't know how much. Don't merch the Gothic at least.

    Agreed. The gothic would be good for a learner doasc player perhaps...

    My prices can add zero if you want hold your stuff for year like max, we all saw what happened in his thread.

    Just to add....

    I'll be keeping those for eternity. That was the one and only chance to acquire my shields, so you're damn right I asked a lot. And I'm delighted to be keeping them.

    Back on topic though, price checking isn't about what you would sell something for, especially if you're selling yourself short, it's about what they could potentially sell for. Granted it's a fine line, but by ripping yourself off you're misrepresenting their actual value. And also you're actually ripping yourself off ;)

    Masahiro is wildly off the mark on most of those.
    In fact you could possibly add a zero to each of his prices with enough demand. Certainly up to two or three times his estimations on 15, 17 and 20.

    Also, don't merch the r8 colossal pick. Those are rare in r8. Or the +5e weapons. Those can go for 20-100e with not much effort..
    Even the r9 15^50s can get 25e these days.

    Wait for more opinions.

    I think +15 -5e was removed as a possible drop from crystallines in 2006. I'm not 100% though, so Gregor is the man to ask. He has a purple one with those mods (I think) but it's one of a kind and excruciatingly rare precisely because that mod was removed....

    But wait for others to confirm, as my memory isn't what it used to be ;)

    Might it have been +15-10armour Kairi?

    I'm afraid Tommy won't do. It would have to be one of about 15 current most reputable traders or collectors. Someone the vast majority of the current community knows and trusts. I count myself as one of those, and I haven't met Tommy (unless it's under another name).

    I won't give out names here because I'm bound to forget someone, but they know who they are.

    Sellous is right though, this one has dragged on enough. It's up to Sellous now to prove it one way or another.

    That's a cute shield. It's definitely pre-nerf, and unusually has two completely pre-nerf mods on it. It's rare to see that. Usually only one of the mods is clearly pre-nerf. The definition of pre-nerf is technically anything that cannot drop any more - so a +30 shield mod can still be technically pre-nerf if the item dropped before 2006, but the same mod can still drop today so there is no way to be sure if it's pre-nerf.
    The mods on this shield are obviously pre-nerf as the drop tables were altered to remove them as possible drops in 2006.

    Value wise, it's impossible to say. There are a couple of people collecting pre-nerf items, but the final price will depend on demand, and for me it's an old pre-nerf non-max shield so I won't be bidding as it doesn't fit my collections. Any buyer would only buy it for its age, not its awesomeness, so you haven't won the lottery here, but there should be some reasonable interest.

    That's one of those "definitely pre-nerf but not hugely valuable " items.

    It's a rare one for sure, but its appeal is the pre-nerfery rather than the skin or max damage.

    It's definitely worth something, but the only way to find out is to list it for sale and see where it goes. I'm mildly interested, but won't be bid warring for it, just to give you an indication of the level of interest from an established pre-nerf collector.

    7/15 gold enamelled do exist, but I am aware of only 2. And I have no idea who has them now. Coast had one, but I don't know if he still does....

    There was one for sale a couple of years ago for 3000e I think... but that was from before the botter/gold seller-induced hyper inflation, so god only knows what one would be worth now....