An announcement.
As many of you know, over the past few months there has been prolific sexual harassment ingame from a user whose in game name is Dwigt Schrute. He has been extremely inappropriate both in public areas of the game (Kamadan etc) and in private messages, searching the various forums and Facebook pages looking for in-game names of people to harasss ingame. He poses as well known players and uses their fame to further his inappropriate behaviour. This is not acceptable, and the general community also found this behaviour unacceptable.
He recently began impersonating me while making sexually provocative statements to people, regardless of their age.
The general community was as outraged as I was so when I asked the various communities to send me screenshots of his behaviour, a total of 83 were sent to me. This response has been phenomenal, and I want to publicly thank everyone who sent me evidence.
I submitted a ticket to support, documenting all of the screenshots. I was delighted at the response I received from them. It was agreed that his behaviour is unacceptable, and the report escalated very quickly due to the seriousness of Dwight's behaviour, and within a day or two I was exchanging emails with the lead GM at Arenanet's support. They examined the logs, and confirmed the screenshots.
I am delighted to announce that the Lead GM at customer support has confirmed that they have taken the appropriate action in this case. Whilst they cannot tell me exactly what they have done due to privacy laws (understandably), I am assured it has been dealt with.
Furthermore they are very interested to know if this happens again, and are watching very closely.
So, I would like to ask you all one more time for your help. Please could you let me know if you see Dwight Schrute, or any of his other characters in game, as I am very interested to find out what support has done.
If anyone has a video of Dwight meeting Dhuum I would love to see it.
Thanks again to the guildwars community on behalf of the team at guildwarslegacy, and from myself personally.