Posts by Cell

    This thread is very le fun.

    I think tb should be allowed, it makes the game much more confortable for sc players while not ruining the fun of John-LGiTton the Third who just wanna do his daily Zquests

    It's probably cheating if you go straight by the rule of ''any third party mod is cheating" but then, you' ll have to remove texmod too, because it gives you an unfair advantage for your cartographer, or for desolation runs over somebody which doesn't run it.

    Today I think it's safe to say 70% of players use either texmod, toolbox or both, these program make the game straight up better and more enjoyable. Even my IRL friend, which is some serious LGiT material uses toolbox to save the dozens of hero teambuilds he likes to theorycraft. He never popped a pcons with it, doesnt even use the fast travel option, he just likes having it.

    Super righteous people acting all strong n mighty because they got GWAMM deathless without popping any consumable because "muh cheating" and refuse to take dervs or assassins in their parties because "muh its overpowered" need to chill a bit, the game is old and got a passionnate community that is still sticking to it 12-13 years later, mods are helping people stay by smoothing up unfun parts of the game (ToA to DoA travel without tb ? Yaay.), that's awesome.