Posts by SlothnessMonster

    HI guys as the title says I've finally logged back in after about 9yrs of not playing just to check things out and was wondering if any of decent value on my characters :)

    Thank you very much for any replys


    edit (merged by mod)

    Nice Ty for the quick replies and yes the Horned Bows are Mursatt skin I take it they changed the name of the bows at some point?

    I'm not so sure if I'm going to sell anything at this stage (only installed the game last night and mucked around today opening 4billion presents). But I am looking at getting back into it for awhile :)

    *****MOD EDIT---do NOT bump your thread early! You must wait for 24 hours between posts in your own thread. PLEASE READ the Xunlai Market rules BEFORE posting!--posts merged/deleted--MOD EDIT*****