Posts by jfroosty
Oh how Guild Wars plays with the heart strings..
Looking to get a price check on these shields.
5e on the shield
Are OS Diamond Aegis really rare? I feel like I have only seen a handful of them for sale but I believe they are a sought after skin. Wiki says they drop in some general areas so I'm a but curious.
20e ea
Celestial Shield 11 Tac (-2 Ench, +10demons)
Celestial Shield 10 Tac (-2 Ench, +10demons)
220e amber
Made my night to find this post with these beautys
interested in b/o.
q9 Celestial Staff - Divine - 20/10 - 10e
q9 Celestial Staff - Domination - 20/10 - 40e
q9 Celestial Staff - Death - 20/10 - 10e
q9 Celestial Staff - Curses - 20/10 - 10e
q9 Celestial Staff - Domination - 20/20 - 20e
q9 Celestial Staff - Death - 20/20 -10e
So cute! Not sure what max damage is for a req 5 sword, @Chevy, but it's still cool!
Q9 Celestial sword 15^50 - 12e
I honestly typed this post out quickly on my lunch break and my point wasn't as clear as I wanted, haha. But, exactly what Lexx said. I know that this will more than likely be an idea and that it will never actually happen in-game.
The biggest point for me is that the player base that is on GW now would all have the same starting point. No one would be too far ahead, or more importantly too far behind.
I've played GW since the fall of 2005, and have had breaks throughout. The problem for me is that I was 7 when I first started playing and went through many character deletions and really accomplished nothing in terms of adding items or wealth. I've become really interested in collecting things, but the problem is that the market for items is way more than I have.
This idea would have everyone at the same wealth. That gold drop would mean something again instead of merch food. You would probably have purple items until you found better, maybe even blue. Also, everyone would have the same missions to complete so I feel like there would be full parties again, especially with how hard Proph would be with only Proph/core skills and henchies.
Again, just an idea I have been thinking about, mostly from nostalgia and wanting to relive my GW childhood.
So I have been thinking of an idea for a while now. Many of us have played Guild Wars for countless hours and have done all there is to do. Would you restart if you could? I don't just mean making a new character or deleting old ones, but a global reset. My idea is that there is some kind of different mode or district where history resets in GW. (Similar to Hardcore mode on Diablo) This would level the playing field for everyone because everyone would be at the same point. The market would be totally renewed. I don't mean to delete the old GW, but to have 2 different instances of it, kind of like a district. Let me know your thoughts!
Did you say gogogogogo bds this time? Trying to see if this is an effective method of getting specific drops...
The problem for me was that I was launching multilaunch copy from my startup folder, so it wasn't saving. Multilaunch on my desktop had all of my data saved.
Celestial daggers and celestial long bow - 10e ea
#22 - 10e
#26 - 10e
#1 Amber 50e
I'll get some started.
CS1 - 50e
CS2 - 20e
CS3 - 20e
C1 - 20e
I'm looking for an idea of prices for the following items!
Thank you in advance!
q12df cele scepter
20/19dom cele staff q9
golden phoenix
20/10 earth cele staff
***mod edit---thread has been changed back to the original--however, most of the information was lost so it has been reconstructed from the price checks given. In the future do NOT add items to a price check thread!!--thread is now CLOSED---mod edit***
This is how GW treated me today.
edit (merged by mod) @Deeplezz nope, not only staves. I will take staves, but I'm buying everything except celestial compasses. I will add that now.
****mod edit--do NOT bump your thread early--ANY post you make in your own thread IS a bump, you must wait for 24 hours between bumps!!!!!---merged posts/deleted---mod edit****
It was some noobshtuff. Not sure if you can swear on legacy.... lol
So recently, I have really gotten into collecting. Multiple times a day I'm on the legacy forum looking for things to start my collection. The Celestial weapon set is what I'm starting with. Earlier today, I met with someone in the pupu gh to buy a non-max Celestial hammer and a Celestial Staff. After the purchase, he said that he also had a Celestial shield. So, we traded and he showed me. Before I could ask how much, he said 20e. I quickly traded 20e to him because I'm currently in a bid war on legacy for the same shield (almost) but in strength attribute for over 400e. I was so excited to have it. Then, I looked at it closely and realize that it probably wasn't worth the 20e. I'll let you guys take a close look and realize what happened, haha. Happy I bought it though, I will remember it as part of my collection journey.
20e on 15^50 Celestial Sword