on the wiki found that someone had a fix for the silly 2 issue:
so that does work, however, having a dynamic ip I wonder if I will need to redo that each time I log in /sad panda....stupid idea to do this really stupid.
I had registered my GW1 with ANet several years ago at my son's suggestion.
(I also do not have GW2 but he does, and told me it didn't matter, best way to keep the account safe.)
At the time I had a dynamic IP as well, and yes,
I had to log in and ok the network each time for a couple of weeks.
The good thing is, the list is kept by ANet, so after all possible IPs
it will cease. Then it will just rotate to whatever one is on the list.
When I finally changed my ISP, I got a static IP, so no more of that at least.
I did also have the option of deleting ALL IP's no longer valid.
Check out your ANet account, it can be updated any time conveniently by you!