2 Stacks GOTH ~ 6 BDs each.
Posts by Lady Lyn
Johnny Mathis
(That velvety voice could only ever be challenged by Roy Orbison)
Blue Eyed Soul:
The Righteous Brothers or Hall & Oates?
(1.tisk ~ 2 tisk ~ 3 tisk)
The poster above me does not like the rules broken
The poster above me does not know that I was an enforcer in a previous life
Prince Rurik's forehead
1970s... Led Zeppelin...need I say more (I could, but there's not enough room
Stadiums or Concert Halls?
The poster above me likes to test the water...
at warp speed
Ditto what she said...
It's more than enough to keep up good relations with the people you physically see and interact with
on a daily basis, your own family, friends and coworkers.
Perhaps a rare end chest reward, in dungeons/areas that can't easily be soloed. ...
O.O You were talking about the "God" sword, right?
TV...I did the in person thing for 45 years...it's enough for me (and too noisy anyway.)
Open night sky or planetarium?
engineered by Scotty
Aha! The poster above me is proficient at sleuthing!
Omg, I'm sooooo allergic to wheat...
BUT, before I discovered that in my 30's....
What a way to be 20 for a decade
Roast chicken or roast turkey?
V. O. S. (Very Odd Sandwiches)
All creation starts with imagination
That an awesome acknowledgement from A Net there!
Congrats to Kevin & Team!
and rocky road
The poster above me probably plays GW as much as I do, if not more!
Hawaii, not into 6 months of sun or dark!
(Not into volcanoes or tidal waves either, but at least i'd go out smiling !)
sandals or barefoot?
OK cosyfiep, this was a set up wasn't it?
along with marshmallows
and minion bits
sandwich gobbling buddies
( ^ It was made there, shown there and the US for sure...possibly Canada as well, not sure where else... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063962/ )
Thanks for these Reborn! I really Love the detail you put into the covers too!
You have a flair for decoration, as well as generosity!
I swear someone pours 190 proof into the motor that generates drops like that!
The poster above me should log into the game more often!
(It's been in my farming rit's bag since Friday)
(Do you remember that series? Awesome!)
The poster above me pays attention to what people write!
(I never even watched the first one....rats ugh!)
by cosyfiep herself
Sweat...it doesn't sting as long!
soap in your eye or paper cut?
If you check Kamadan Trade Chat, and type it in search,
you'll see all of the most recent offers and requests.
Just average them out for an accurate price.
There's a board with a link below.
Raise the thermostat...then the item will be hot!