It's still doable, you just need patience!
Check out this info:
Black Bear
Breaking Charm - Monster Skill - Only found in PreSearing. It allows a non-friendly animal to break a charm animal attempt.
Brutal Mauling - Monster Skill - used by Black Bears, both untamed and already charmed.
This skill inflicts no conditions, knock down, or extra damage and is slower than a normal pet attack.
Because of the skill's the long activation time, a bear's damage per second is lowered.
which causes the Black Bear to have a lower damage over time than other pets.
Black Bears found in the wild in PreSearing are Level 3.
Charming is difficult and requires the help of another player, to tank and distract the bear from interrupting Charm Animal.
Wiki States - *This can no longer be done as of September 8th, 2016.
Wiki Notes - *Update - Thursday, September 8, 2016:
Fixed a bug in creature AI that could cause creatures to stop using skills.
(I believe the above merely refers to any attempts to interrupt the bear's interrupt!)
The Basic Steps: (This is for the tanking method.)
The player helping must tank the bear (non aggressively).
The area should have an open & clear escape route.
The tank should also try to keep the bear's back facing the charmer at all times.
The player doing the charming should stand at the maximum spell range away from the bear.
With every fourth attack, a symbol will appear over the bear's head, as it starts activating the maul skill.
This skill is very much slower than the bear's normal attacks.
The players should try to coordinate their movements for the next time this symbol appears.
The tank should run directly away from the charmer.
The charmer should cast charm animal just as the bear is about to be pulled out of maximum casting range.
If the animal charmer casts the charm too early, the bear will not be moving out of range behind the tank.
The bear will react by disengaging from aggro with the tank and use it's break charm skill.
It is therefore important to get the timing to cast the charm skill correct.
If the timing is correct, the bear will continue its attack on the now-distant tank, chasing after them.
This results in the bear moving out of the range it's interrupt will work ,while failing to notice the charmer.
The idea is for the tank to lure the bear far enough away, that even if it uses it's interrupt, the charmer is not affected.