Posts by Zuphix
24 hours since last bid, will close after another 24 hours. -
q10 Vamp Shortbow 10e
b/o dirks
If you had a 25% prefer for mod and applied it, can it be salvaged off?
Still looking for Piercing Shields, have a seller for one of the Blunt Shields.
New bid:
Shield 26: 35e
Existing bids:
Shield 9: 25e
Shield 43: 25e
No interest on the BDS, sold the Storm Daggers and shields.
Dungeon Weapons (will sell 7 days after last bid):q9 Storm Daggers. Sold for 300e to Thy Mysterio - 15/08/2018
q10 Fast Casting BDS. No offers
Non-Inscribable Shields (will sell 7 days after last bid):
q10 Tactics Celestial Shield, Armor +10 vs Demons, -2/enchanted. No offers
Inscribable Shields (will sell 48 hours after last bid):
q9 Command Demonic Aegis. Sold for 4e to Rihanna - 13/08/2018
q9 Command Signet Shield. Sold for 4e to Rihanna - 13/08/2018
Minipets (will take any reasonable offer as b/o)
Undedicated Minipets (Green):
Miniature Minister Reiko.
Miniature Mad King Thorn.
Black Moa Chick
Undedicated Minipets (Gold):
Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh x3
Miniature Celestial Dog x2
Miniature Celestial Monkey
Miniature Water Djinn
Shields 9, 26, 43 25e each
Bump: Bought a fire shield, added some new shields.
4a gothic defender
I saw your reply to my buy thread, but didn't want to bump it, do you know what you want for a bo on the bronze shield?
I'll put 100e on it for now
I'll put 25e on the q12 iridescent as well
Zuphix A
C2 BO 25e (10 vs blunt -2/e)
IGN: Zuphix A
Does the q9 tac plague born have a c/o on it or just r/b?
250e if I may?
q9 tac bronze shield + ornate buckler (+10 vs cold/ piercing, -2/e) 25e each.
I'm looking for OS Dual mod shields with the following mods, q9 Tactics is preferred but not required, don't care about skin.
+10 Armor vs Piercing, -2/e (x2)
+10 Armor vs Blunt, -2/e (x2)
+10 Armor vs Earth, -2/e
+10 Armor vs Lightning, -2/e
Also one I don't expect to find for a long time
+10 Armor vs Demons, +1(20%) Protection Prayers
I'll keep the list updated, removing shields as I get them
OR9: current offer at 600e
OR9: Retract
IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
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IGN: Zuphix A
q8 blue storm artifact: 30e
Zuphix A
OR9: Retract
IGN: Zuphix A