Every item is gold, q9 unless otherwise stated.
Cane :: Domination q10, HSR 20%, e+5^50
Amber Wand :: Spawning Power q9, HSR 19%, e+5^ench
Amber Staff :: Domination q9, 20/10
Scimitar :: q9, 15^stance
Protective Icon :: Protection Prayers q10, Prot+1^19,+30hp
Ironwing Flatbow q9, 15^-5e
Butterfly Sword q9, 15^50
Spatha q9, 15^50
Fire Staff q13, 20/20
Fire Staff q9, 20/10
Gothic Dual Axe q9, 15^-5e
Jade Staff :: Divine Favor q13, 20/20
Conjuring Staff :: Spawning Power q9, 20/10
Plagueborn Staff :: Fire q11, 20/20
Ceremonial Daggers q9, 15^hex
Fellblade q10, +5e
Oni Daggers q9, 15^-10ar
Dragoncrest Axe q9, 15^hex
Echovald Shield :: Tactics q9, +10vsBlunt, red. Blind 20% c/o 10e
Wooden Buckler :: Tactics q10, +10vsSkeletons, red. Poison 20% c/o 5e
Shield of the Wing :: Tactics q13, +42^ench, -2^ench
War Hammer 14-23 q4, 15^50 [2x]
Truncheon :: Curses 9-15 q4 20(Death)/10
Platinum Wand :: Soul Reaping [3x]
Cane :: Domination [16x]
Cane :: Illusion [8x]
Serpentine Scepter :: Inspiration
Serpentine Scepter :: Soul Reaping
Serpentine Scepter :: Divine Favor
Onyx Staff :: Soul Reaping [2x]
Onyx Staff :: Spawning Power
Primitive Staff :: Communing [2x]
Turquoise Staff :: Soul Reaping
Platinum Staff :: Soul Reaping [2x]
Clairvoyant Staff :: Domination [2x]
Moldavite Staff :: Divine Favor
Dolyak Prod Staff :: Air [5x]
Jeweled Staff(twin serpent) :: Illusion
Earth Staff (crystallized) :: Earth
Earth Staff (obsidian) :: Earth [3x]
Focus items:
Jeweled Chakram (metal) :: Illusion
Pronged Fan :: Divine Favor
Pronged Fan :: Spawning Power
Potective Icon :: Protection Prayers
Holy Vial (q8, blue) :: Protection Prayers
Celestial Compass :: Fast Casting
Celestial Axe
Charr Axe
Gothic Axe
Gothic Dual Axe
Sephis Axe [3x]
Serpentine Reaver
Stygian Reaver
Steel Daggers [2x]
Ivory Bow [4x]
Vabbian Longbow
Ball Hammer
Wingcrest Maul
Mursaat Hammer [3x]
Serrated Spear
Suntouched Spear
Nightmare Spear [3x]
Guardian Spear
Greater Guardian Spear
Celestial Sword [2x]
Colossal Scimitar
:: Strength
Celestial Shield
Emblazoned Defender [2x]
Gloom Shield [3x]
Kappa Shield
Kournan Defender
Ornate Buckler
Plated Shield [2x]
Shadow Shield
Shield of the Lion [2x]
Sun and Moon Shield
Tower Shield [5x]
:: Tactics
Diamond Aegis
Emblazoned Defender
Guardian of the Hunt
Iridescent Aegis
Reinforced Buckler [3x]
Tribal Shield (effigy) [2x]
Spiked Targe
Wooden Buckler [4x]
:: Command
Heraldic Shield [4x]
Iridescent Aegis
Reinforced Defender [2x]
Scarabshell Aegis [2x]
:: Motivation
Aureate Aegis
Daedal Shield [2x]
Diamond Aegis [3x]
Exalted Aegis
Iridescent Aegis [2x]
Plated Shield
Suntouched Shield [2x]
Scarabshell Aegis
This section will be used to track past trades & prices in the future.
Sold items:
Reinforced Buckler :: Tactics 11 q4 -2^ench,+10vsEarth (2019-04-04)
Eternal Shield :: Tactics - 100e (2019-03-25)
Crude Shield - 15e (2019-03-20)
Tribal Shield (effigy) - 3a (2019-03-20)
Ironwing Flatbow - 75e (2019-03-19)
Oaken Aegis :: Strength - 7e (2019-03-18)
Platinum Wand :: Domination - 40e (2019-03-18)
Stygian Reaver - 10e (2019-03-17)
Tribal Axe - 4e (2019-03-17)
OS Mursaat Hammer q9, +5e - 50e (2019-03-16)
Heraldic Shield :: Command - 5e (2019-03-16)
Reinforced Defender :: Command - 5e (2019-03-16)
Goldleaf Defender :: Command - 5e (2019-03-16)
Ebonhand Aegis :: Strength - 7e (2019-03-16)
Oaken Aegis :: Tactics - 5e (2019-03-06)
Ornate Scythe - free (2019-03-06)
Onyx Staff :: Spawning Power - 10e (2019-02-25)
Cane :: Illusion - 5e (2019-02-22)
Platinum Wand :: Domination - 15e (2019-02-22)
Inscribed Chakram (metal) :: Domination - 25z (2019-02-19)
Suntouched Shield :: Command - 10e (2019-02-19)
Kappa Shield :: Tactics q11, -5^20%, +45hp^ench - 25e (2019-02-18)
Truncheon :: Blood 9-15 q4 20/20 - 250e (2019-02-14)
Platinum Wand :: Domination - 40z (2019-02-13)
Cane :: Domination - 15e (2019-02-13)
Inscribed Chakram (metal) :: Domination [dyeable] - 1a (2019-02-13)
Inscribed Chakram (metal) :: Domination - 20z (2019-02-13)
Jeweled Chakram (metal) :: Illusion - 15z (2019-02-13)
Wooden Buckler :: Tactics - 15e (2019-02-12)
- cheers 
no liability for typing errors