Posts by AuthenticMatt
50e zodiac sword
Shadow Blade 20e
6a Longsword
q8 15^50 Long Sword: 110e
q8 15^50 Giant Slayer's Hammer: 50e
q8 Magmas Shield: 50e (what attribute?)
50e (Viktor The Bold)
Crysta: 8a
Obby Edge: 100e
Emerald Blade: 50e
****mod edit--watch your bump need 24 hours between bumps!!!---mod edit****
Lion skin
(Item was removed)
I wasn’t happy with any of the offers I was getting. Will try selling in-game.
1: 5e
6: 5e
9: 5e
2a cera
Bid Retracted (No longer have funds)
Scimitar q9 15^50: 10e
Hey there. I recently got back into the game and would love a community to play and hang out with. I’d like to join Luxon if possible. (IGN Viktor The Bold)
And also Kurzick on my second account (IGN Matt The Impaler)
I’ll take 1 of each cele minis you have. Are they also 25k/ea?
I’ll take the Purp Mini Flowstone Elemental for 2e