Posts by Envision
Hi guys im selling my unded peacekeeper, open to offers !
just want a pc on a q8 str OS Eternal shield -2 w/hex.
thanks in advance,
Selling this unded minipet, taking bids on here or in game.
Will start the bidding at 100a, b/o 150a.
Happy for anyone the reply on here or pm me ingame,
IGN: Ishi Yoichi
hi there, got a q12 tac +10 vs blunt -2/e shadow shield if your interested. Pm me ingame @ Ishi Yoichi
close please
Hi guys,
A friend doesn't speak the best English so i am posting on his behalf.
I am advertising a HoM service and Lightbringer title service.
HoM runs (NM):
UW - 160e
DoA - 230e
FoW - 60e
Urgoz - 140e
Deep - 120e
Runs for HoM will be done with heros to avoid wipe but all runs except urgoz and the deep can be done solo if requested.
Lightbringer title service (HM):
17e per run (12 runs for max), runs last approximately 20-25 minutes and yields 4k Lb points
Lightbringer title runs are essentially a full vanquish of the gloom area of DoA, complete with quests. Customers can go afk during runs but without taking the quests, and subsequent quest rewards the run will only yield 2k Lb points as opposed to 4k so it is advised that you stay semi-active during the runs.
Pm me or Obek in game for more info!
IGNS: Obek Charrua, Ishi Yoichi
c/o 4a Human Steroid
hi there, id like approx 50 books completed if possible, IGN Ishi Yoichi
Hi there, i am not good with old school items but picked up a q9 Str Shadow shield while on a fow run, mods are +45 w/stance and -2 w/stance.
Help is greatly appreciated,
Hey guys, Ross here (IGN Ishi Yoichi)
just come getting back into gw after a leaving the game just before the GW2 release. The nostalgia is real and im just wanting to get back into the game and involved with the community.
Selling this shield, comment on here with offers or PM me in game.
r/b 10a b/o 20a
will sell within 3 days of r/b being met.
IGN: Ishi Yoichi