Got asura, Varesh, kunna , destroyer
Posts by Burnettstone
Taking offers pre and post pm!
Bump still looking!
Taking offers!
destroyer 6000bd or 1500a b/o1500bd or 375a b/o
Looking for gold trim service pm price !
Looking for this service, pm if you can make and how much
IGN Burnett stone I’m interested!
Hi I’m interested! Ing Burnett stone ! Pm me
Looking to see what current price is
Looking for mini asura, Varesh, kunna, destroyer, cera pm if your looking to sell!
Taking offers in black dyes or arms and will use a trusted tm for any trade that may need it. Let’s get this auction started!!
edit (merged by mod):
Second offer was withdrew so taking offers!
***MOD EDIT--do NOT bump your thread early! You must wait for 24 HOURS between bumps--ANY post you make in your own thread is a bump. If you need to answer questions/add items/etc EDIT your top post!---PLEASE take the time to READ the Xunlai Market Rules before posting!!!---posts merged/deleted--MOD EDIT***