Hi, it's nice to meet you all! I'm Morihalda, I love tabletop and video games, creating characters and art, camping and fishing, all that fun stuff.
I haven't played GW1 since before GW2 launch. I logged in briefly earlier this year to look at my old characters and was 100% lost. I met a few awesome Legit players that day, I need to rejoin! I've played a silly amount of GW2 since it came out and I want to give GW1 another chance.
I'm really excited to go through the whole lore/storylines! So I'll be playing on my new characters, Mori Jihn (R/E, mistral ranger) and Kiara Jihn (N/Mo, gray witch). Can't get lost if you start at the beginning! Kind of. Not as lost. Y'all are welcome to join me along the way!
I'll probably be on Mori the most, since I'm playing through the story on Kiara with my husband if he ever logs back in. That being said, I'll be playing through in chronological order, not fastest way to HOM order. So when I get a bit farther, I have a bunch of old birthday stuff I'd love to trade later for friendship and HOM stuff.