Posts by zaishen
Illusion cane 50e
Defender q9 -3Hex +60Hex 1a Defender q9 10vDemons -2wE 1a Defender q9 -2wS +30 1a Defender q9 60Hex -3wH 1a Defender q9 -2wE +45wE 4a Ornate buckler q9 -2wE +30 2a -
rb ornate buckler -2+30
50e 45-2e defender
OS Q9 Tower Shield -2wE, +10 vs Ogres 50e
The price these could sell for might not be worth it to you, but to others that could be a colossal amount of money and enough to achieve more than they could expect in this game.
I hate it when those noobs know what their items are worth to us traders... They should be happy with the 2008 prices I lowball them with in Kamadan. They could get their first set of chaos gloves with that kinda money
that's all they deserve anyway
1250e spear
101 40e
60e illusion staff
I collect non-inscribable defender and tower shields. Examples of mods I am after include q9 shields with +10vs xx and +30hp or -2wE. I will also be interested in any req7/8/9 shields with dual perfect mods.
Thank you
10a fellblade
500e flamberge
war hammer 6a
q9 jade staff 2020 air magic
50e jade wand