80e on the ench Gothic
Posts by Nighty
#1 3a, interested in b/o
25e each on the q10 Echo and Spiked Targe
3a on the Piercing Outcast
15e each on #1, #4 and #5
3a Piercing Echo
Embossed Aegis 60e
30e #1, 40e #7, s/b #8
R8 +5 Energy Swords
Crenellated 15a
Gothic Sword 7a
Golden Phoenix Blade 35a
q8 +5e
-Celestial Sword 25a
-Oni Blade 30a
Amber Aegis q9tac -5(20)/+30 5a
Kapp Shield q9tac -5(20)/+45ench 50e
Aegis q9tac +45/-2ench 120e
Gothic Defender q9tac +30/-2ench 50e
q11tac Emblazoned Defender -2ench/+45ench 60e
q10 earth Platinum Staff 20/20 30e
100e each on 1,2,6,9
Celestial Staff #2 1a
Celestial Staff #3 1a
Celestial Shield #28 20e
Celestial Shield #38 20e
Offhand #22 1a
200e Feathered Flatbow
A PC would still be much appreciated
15. Plagueborn Staff : 3a
edit: s/b 5a following your edit
Need a PC please on this beauty:
Thanks a lot in advance!
5a new Wooden Buckler
10a new Eternal
interested in b/o for both, if you have any in mind
10a each Eternal, Magmas, Shadow
5a Eternal
( Q9 Outcast Staff 20/20 Water) - 6a.
( Q10 Outcast Staff 20/20 Earth) - 50 ectos.
( Q11 Bronze Shield +30hp +10 vs earth) - 20 ectos.