Posts by General Hiems
Hi there again!
Longsword - 3e
IGN: Harry Mens
Hammergrip of Dwarfslaying 20%
Shining Maul
Total 5e
IGN: Harry Mens
Hallo all,
I am looking for the following items;
Defender q9 strength [Insc]
Shield of the Wing q9 tactics [Insc]
Handaxe q9 [Insc]
Rams Hammer q9 [Insc] (3x)
IGN: Harry Mens
Shield of the wing 1e
IGN: Harry Mens
3e Spatha
3e Long sword
IGN: Johan Kruimel
Flatbow sold to cataphract, still some nice items left.
Hallo all
I am selling some stuff:
~ Ghostly staff q9 spawning 20/10 +5 energie +30hp b/o 70e
~ Ghostly staff q9 channeling 20/10 +5 energie +30hp b/o 70e
~ Ghostly staff q9 curse 20/10 +5 energie +30hp
~ Grenellated q9 +5 energie 20/20 +30
~ Chaos Axe q10 15^50 20/20 +30
~ Unded Mini Asura
Flatbow q8 15^50 20/20 +30~ Sold~ Shortbow q9 15^50 20/20 +30
~ Cane q9 dom 10% +5e^50
In pre:
~ White rabbit
~ Mad king Tonic
~ Jora
~ Candysmith Marley
~ Ooze
Bow 20/18% and +1 markmanship/18%~ soldIGN: Johan Kruimel