KC to all outposts possible - 250e
ign God Of Sepulture
KC to all outposts possible - 250e
ign God Of Sepulture
q9 zodiac sword - 25e -ign God Of Sepulture
Hey there, Ive got an Exalted q9 tactics for 20e
ign- God Of Sepulture
Hello Im back with the 5 man version of Soloing Deep with Multibox. Im getting better with the runs so I may post a faster video in the future. Untill then... Enjoy! I am having a blast doing all this. Stay tuned next week and 'll post a 5 man Heroes Ascent Run.
Thank you for watching
I have been getting into both The Deep and multiboxing recently. Here is an example of how I like to play. I go for all the chests I can as
I had a dream one day I would get a 20/20 Wayward Wand(I may be here awhile). If you have any suggestions I'm all ears and am looking for ways to improve :). Ill be posting some more in the future as I learn it. Thank you for watching!
I also Stream @
Q9 Dragoncrest +15 vs hexed
Q9 Zodiac Shield Strength -2 Enchanted / Reduced Dazed Duration 20%
Q10 Zodiac Scepter 10/10
Q12 Exalted Aegis Tactics +30 / Reduced Cripple 20%
Bump - all new stuff
Hey Ive gotta selection of shields you might like.
q9 tac +10 Ogre +44 ench
q9 tac +10 Pierce +29
q10 tac +10 Dragon -5 19%
q12 str +10 Dragon +1 Earth 20%
q13 tac +10 Slash +42 ench
q9 str +9 Dragon +30
I may have a q9 celestial dagger +5 energy too
Hey if you still need help with The Deep I can run it for you myself. Hit me up anytime. No need for party forming!
IGN - Sepulchures Sinner
Hello to all
I offer General Running to All Outposts:
*For any runs you are allowed to be afk and will be given a vamp weapon if you do not have one in case of connection issues or player error ruesulting in death*
-All Runs will be completed in timely manner or payment refunded-
EotN Tour-40e
Prophecies Tour(Inculding Sanctum Cay for Desert outposts)-175e
Canthan Tour -175e
Desolation Run (To Vabbi)-60e
Individual Runs per Request ~ 10-15e
Character Ramping:
I can help you complete campaigns at your request (prices are rated from creation of character-meaning ill basically do everything for you)
Eotn Rush w/ quests - 350e - 2 1/2 hrs
Nightfall Rush - 350e - 6 hrs
Prophecies Rush - 175e - 3 hrs
Factions Rush - 300e - 2 hrs
Ascension - 75e factions/prophecies
I am willing to Rush as many accounts as possible at a time. 6 is the limit, giving me room for 1 hero. I would ask for an additional 50e per additional account in the run, whether it be Factions rush or Eotn ramping etc... I can also help those accounts to get whatever Eotn skills and attribute quests they need completed as well. This is extremely helpful for people with alts that may not have the time to level them all in order use them in whatever way that they choose to.
Mission Service: 10e - NM / 15e HM
*For all Missions you are allowed to afk unless previously discussed by the runner during planning(only a few missions require assistance)*
-You will be given a vamp weapon if you dont have one-
I Offer Full Heroes Handbook Runs and Speedbook Runs:
-Full Book: 30k Northern Title points of your choosing - 2 hours - 200e
-Speed Book: 3k Northern Title points of your choosing - 10-15 mins - 20e
*You can Afk In most of these missions*
-Again, A dual vamp Weapon will be given incase of afk + death-
HoM Runs:
Deep Runs 50e
FoW Runs 75e
AFK - you are more than welcome to go AFK during any of the vanquishes I am running for you however you will be required to have a DUAL VAMP weapon equipped at all times during the VQ, if you cannot equip a dual vamp I will supply one, a refundable deposit of 30e must be paid before dual vamp is handed over which will be returned to you when the dual vamp is handed back.
Individual VQ's
Ascalon Foothills - 20e
Diessa Lowlands - 40e
Dragons Gullet - 30e
Eastern Frontier - 30e
Flame Temple Corridor - 27e
Old Ascalon - 35e
Pockmark Flats - 37e
Regent Valley - 30e
The Breach - 27e
Northern Shiverpeaks
Anvil Rock - 27e
Deldrimor Bowl - 25e
Griffons Mouth - 20e
Iron Horse Mine - 27e
Travelers Vale - 25e
Kryta (Please note you must not have WIK active)
Cursed Lands - 23e
Kessex Peak - 40e
Majestys rest - 30e
Nebo Terrace - 25e
North Kryta Province - 30e
Scoundrels Rise - 20e
Stingray Strand - 25e
Talmark Wilderness - 30e
Tears Of The Fallen - 25e
The Black Curtain - 30e
Twin Serpent Lakes - 25e
Watchtower Coast - 23e
Maguuma Jungle
Dry Top - 23e
Ettins Back - 27e
Mamnoon Lagoon - 23e
Reed Big - 23e
Sage Lands - 30e
Silverwood - 27e
Tangle Root - 27e
The Falls - 40e
Crystal Desert
Diviners Ascent - 25e
prophets path - 32e
Salt Flats - 30e
Skyward Reach - 27e
The Arid Sea - 25e
The Scar - 30e
Vulture Drifts - 30e
Southern Shiverpeaks
Dreadnoughts Drift - 32e
Frozen Forest - 32e
Grenths Footprint - 30e
Ice Floe - 30e
Icedome - 25e
Lornars Pass - 30e
Mineral Springs - 35e
Snake Dance - 50e
Spearhead Peak - 30e
Talus Chute - 45e
Tascas Demise - 23e
Witmans Folly - 23e
Ring Of Fire Island Chain
Perdition Rock - 32e
Shing Jea Island
Haiju Lagoon - 25e
Jaya Bluffs - 27e
Kinya Province - 27e
Minister Cho's Estate - 27e
Panjiang Peninsula - 27e
Saoshang Trail - 15e
Sunwua Vale - 27e
Zen Daijun - [Factions Toon =15e] [Non Factions Toon = 27e]
Kaineng City
Bukdek Byway - 15e
Nahpui Quarter - 25e
Pongmei Valley - 25e
Raisu Palace - 40e
Shadows Passage - 15e
Shenzun Tunnels - 30e
Sunjiang District - 30e
Tahnnakai Temple - 25e
Waijun Bazarr - 30e
Xaquang Skyway - 25e
Echovald Forest
Arborstone - 40e
Drazach Thicket - 35e
Ferndale - 40e
Melandrus Hope - 30e
Morostav Trail - 35e
Mourning Vale Falls - 30e
The Eternal Grove - 37e
Jade Sea
Archipelagos - 30e
Boreas Seabed - 30e
Gyala Hatchery - 30e
Maishang Hills - 30e
Mount Qinkai - 25e
Rheas Crater - 30e
Silent Surf - 32e
Unwaking Waters - 27e
Cliffs of Dohjok - 25e
Fahranur, The first city - 32e
Issnur Isles - 40e
Lahtenda Bog - 55e
Mehtani Keys - 30e
Plains Of Jarin - 25e
Zehlon Reach - 32e
Arkjok Ward - 40e
Bahdok Caverns - 35e
Barbarous Shore - 25e
Dejarin Estate - 27e
Gandara, the Moon Fortress - 23e
Jahai Bluffs - 35e
Marga Coast - 37e
Sunward Marches - 37e
The Floodplain of Mahnkelon - 32e
Turais Procession - 35e
Forum Highlands - 40e
Garden Of Sborhin - 35e
Holdings Of Chokhin - 30e
Resplendent Makuun - 25e
The Hidden City of Ahdashim - 37e
The Mirror Of The Lyss - 30e
Vehjin Mines - 25e
Vehtendi Valley - 30e
Wilderness Of Bahdza - 25e
Yatendi Canyons - 30e
Crystal Overlook - 55e
Jokos Domain - 70e
Poisoned Outcrops - 55e
The Alkali Pan - 60e
The Ruptured Heart - 55e
The Shattered Ravines - 60e
TheSulfurous Wastes - 65e
Eye Of The North
Far Shiverpeaks
Bjora Marches - 30e
Drakkar Lake - 45e
Ice Cliff Chasms - 25e
Jaga Moraine - 35e
Norrhart Domain - 35E
Varajar Fells -50e
Charr Homelands
Dalada Uplands - 40e
Grothmar Wardowns - 30e
Sacnoth Valley - 55e
Tarnished Coast
Alcazia Tangle - 30e
Arbor Bay - 50e
Magus Stones - 42e
Riven Earth - 37e
Sparkfly Swamp - 37e
Verdant Cascades - 35e
Vanguard Package - 5x Grothmar Wardowns = 115e (10e Discount)
Norn Package - 5x Varajar Fells = 215e (10e Discount)
Asura Package - 5x Riven Earth = 150e ( 10e Discount)
Deldrimor Package - 5x Secret Lair Of The Snowmen HM = 75e
EoTN VQ Pack - All Eotn Listed VQ's - 467e Tyria VQ Pack - All Proph Listed VQ's - 1250e (23.14e/Zone)
Cantha VQ Pack - All Cantha Listed VQ's - 750e (22.73e/Zone)
Elona VQ Pack - All Elona Listed VQ's - 1090e (32e/Zone)
Elona No Deso Pack - All Elona Listed Except Desolation - 710e (26.3e/Zone)
Failure/DC's - if the runner performing the service for you disconnects and is unable to reconnect we will restart the service free of charge. If You disconnect for whatever reason and are unable to get online you will be required to pay the appropriate consumables used before the run will be restarted (Cons 4e/ea, Tengu 3e/ea, Pcons 2e/30mins).
We are only human if for whatever reason the runner has failed to complete the service a full refund of any down payment will be given and all consumables used during the attempts will be covered by the runner, as a runner I will have a minimum of 2 attempts at any service being performed before an abandonment is decided.
Real Life - This of course will take a priority for both of us, if for whatever reason you need to leave mid run/the runner needs to go, or we cannot complete your service at the agreed dates or you cannot attend for whatever reason the selected dates as much notice as possible will be given in the event of urgent departure/last minute changes providing the reason for which is adequate no charge will be administered and we will restart/reschedule free of charge.
Services Offered Here:
Legendary Guardian Title
Legendary Master of the North
Slayer of All
Secret Agent
Not Too Shabby
Legendary Vanquisher
HoM Services-
IGN - Good Ole Sepulture
Discord - Deviant#9435
Alright deal im hanging in kama hit me up.
The Wayward wand sold.
Hi there, I have a q9 insc Str Zodiac Shield for you.
IGN - Sepulchures Sinner
Hey, if you haven't gotten any help yet message me. IGN-Sepulchures Sinner
Hey still need help message me. Sepulchures Sinner.
Hey there I know its not the exact stats but I have a req 10 tac Celestial Shield +10 Demons +57 hex
Hey if you need DoA/Deep Runs still I can help you out.
IGN--God Of Sepulchure
Let me know if any of these interest you.
My ign is Good Ole Sepulture or Sepultchures Sinner
1 c/0 - 25e
4 c/o - 30e
9 c/0 - 1a