Posts by Shaggy
Curious on value of 20/20 Platinum Staves, specifically q10 chan 20/20
I wouldn't sell via pm. Nice skin, and 10/10 is pretty hard to get on wands tbh, yet alone a nice skin wand w/ good req.
q8 15ench Mammoth: 8-15a - think 10a is usual for 15%ench, not sure how well the mammoth skin is liked
q8 15^50 FDS: 25-35a - I'd wait for more PC on this one.
q8 20_50 Chaos: 10-20a - lots of people try and collect the q8 chaos sets. Price depends on how many people are trying to buy that mod
I believe that this is Dye Remover, so prenerf dye.
All existing dye remover was converted to gray dye, but the color was unique distinguishing it from todays gray dye.
Not completely sure as to todays price, but I believe that the market use to be 5-10a range.
I disagree. You did a good sale there, but he shouldnt expect the same. If he does, thats great ofc.
The reason im saying this is because for example; Q8 insc Stone Summit Shield and the Summit Warlord Shield is a more (maybe much more) wanted skin and more rare. They go for 350-400e.
Anyway, good luck and I hope, for your sake, you prove me wrongq8 insc sws/sss are the easiest botted q8 shields tbh
Although it's been a while, I sold q8 insc Round shield @ 10a.
I would aim for something similar for tall.
If you for sure want to sell it, I'd consider any offer over 10a, even with how low of an offer that would be imo.
Quite a few people have spent a couple years trying to sell these mini's in pre w/o success. I wanna say that the highest offer that I've ever gotten on my Mini Oni has been 120-150BD in Pre and a 15-20a offer in post - over a span of 2-3years. At the times I was thinking about selling the mini, I was looking for either a 300-400bd or 40-60a trade. Since it seemed impossible to get, I've kept my minis in pre.
32a Ironwing
28a Ironwing
1 - 20a
I'd guess 1-2a, and even in that range I'd expect it to be a hard sale.
A similar modded, but perfect, q8 plagueborn had a c/o of 2a for months on this forum. I'm not sure if it ever sold.
I'd agree w/ above. 14^50 have been very hard sales in my experience.
I'd say 35-45a.
Definitely a nice skin that will get attention, but pushing for more than 45-50a+ is going to be a challenge I think.
It looks like a q8 +5e Oni may have sold for 70-80a'ish, or for a PM offer not too far from that range if you look through recent threads. Another recent thread has had a c/o of 75-80a for quite a while, with hopes of a 100a b/o for a q8 +5e. Based off the price of the +5e's, seeing more than 50a+ for the 15^50 seems too optimistic and hopeful.
I've seen q8tac gold darkwings go for 100-150a+, though lately getting the 100a+ offers can be a challenge. On the last sale threads, the bidding seems to die down around 60-80a.
As stated above, I've also heard that blue and purple darkwings should be worth more since they are rarer drops, but I'm not sure if the majority of the bidders feel that way.
Not as familiar w/ the q5 stuff.
This may be 'max dmg' for pre, but the base mod of hsr 13% is quite low, ruining the value of the 'max' staff imo.
Max would be at 16%, though 16% is so rare that many would settle for 15% (which is still pretty rare). With that said, most like to see at least 14% if they're looking to buy 'max' staff.
I would say 1-5bd for this staff - mainly for the +8e and the damage. The Requirement is useless for Pre Necro, since Minions and Deathly Swarm blow Charr up so well. Although requirement doesn't technically matter for caster, I feel perma pre chars could pay more attention to that stuff.
I can see this being a very hard sale, since the /bonus Necro Staff has hct 20% Blood/Death.
If your staff had hct death 18% w/ a higher base hsr (14-16%), then it would get a lot of attention for being perfect. More so if the requirement matched as well.
I'd think 20-30a.
I'd say 5-15a.
I bought a similar q8 SoTW not too long ago.
I believe the q8 flat is postnerf max, so I'd guess 20-50e since it has the 15vs hex mod.
From my experience, there are very few collectors who like these items, so I tend to sell at w/e price they're willing to buy at (most times). I wouldn't be surprised if you only got offers in the lower range for your bow, since it's not the best skin and mod. Better skins and mods tend to get higher offers, and can reach that 100-200e++ range.
I believe that this is max for postnerf q8 bow ( forget if 15-27 can drop).
But, I'd guess 40-200e range since it has a perfect base mod as well.
These items have very few people who are interested enough to bid high for them though, so the price can really depend on what they're willing to offer/how many are interested.
You'll most likely get the lower end of the PC range unless the skin is of high demand and/or with a unique mod (15/-1, +5e) - in those cases, you could prolly get higher than that range.
Most of the postnerf q8's that I've posted for sale have gotten offers around that 40-200e range. Some didn't draw any interest.
Best bet is to just post in sale thread and see how it goes.
Bids removed - funds spent on something else in game.