Q9 Spawning Bo Staff HCT Channeling 20% - 200e
Posts by Ravaidan Jalir
Bump added rb & bo
Sold to an old friend via pm.
A2 300e
Retract on A4 missread sorry -
sorry retract
money gone somewhere else -
sorry retract
money gone somewhere else -
Bump added rb and bo
Bump, next bump i will post r/b+b/o
250e on that q7 reinforced
lowered some prices
q9 Fire 20/20 Fire Staff (core skin) --> B/O 7e
ill take that
25e on nr 2
this thing started all for me. one of my best friends ingame at that time said to me: if you really want a nice sword for your warrior, get a q7 one.
it was Todeshand who pushed me to buy it for 100p+10e...a lot of money for me at that time. i think it was a random stranger who sold it to me...
another great player and kind of mentor Thorgall Njordlund teached me on the beauty of oldschool items. because of him, Eir Of Asgard
and Todeshand iam into this stuff and thats why i gathered my collection. that my first q7 was a "ench" one set the path for almost every other item i bought for my collection.