Posts by buddyleex
No longer running. Sorry.
do you care if its insc.? I have a req11 I can mod for you or you can buy as is.
25e on q7/15 insc Adamantine (tac)
25e on q7/16 insc Reinforced Defender (tac)
10e for both storm bows.
Not sure what any of this is worth could someone help? Thanks!
10e on q11 chaos axe +5e
I'll take the eternal bow, chaos axe, CC, mursaat hammer, shield 30hp mod and shield 45hp stance mod for 42e. Let me know...send forum PM or ign Katerra Savage.
Just came back from a very long hiatus and looking to get a PC on some of these items, all are OS except for #1...I have a feeling most if it is worthless except for 5 or 4 but just wanted verification...Thanks!
Thanks Chevy!