420e on The Outcast.
Posts by DSF18
300e on Outcast
Mine Necro want a new Pre Nerf Stick:
150e on it.
(Any Dust or creature blood on it?)
It would be fine, to get another Shadow Pre Nerf Staff for my Necromancer.
Really sure, this staff need a home in the near of others Shadow Staffs.
So i guess, i should bit:
First bid:
1337 gold
Next bid:
75e on it.
Hey there,
this is my Bad Pre Nerf Core Staff Skin CollectionEnjoy it!
None of it is perfect ;P
Core Staff Skins with Necromancer Attribute - Complete
My small collections of req 8 Wands (without the Truncheons ;))
Dark Tendril - 680e
Would be fine to get this Staff in a Nice Collection
thx so far - bump to the top.
Dark Tendril Staff -600e
Hi there,
just found this item.
As far as I know, its a Pre Nerf Item from the old Olias Quest.
Olias` Resignation
Quest Item
S/B: 1e
C/O: 25e
Just let it try again.
But seems hard, nearly impossible to finish my collection
#13 20e
#28 20e
#16 20e
Another try.
Add New Items.
Pre Nerf Necro Staff
- White rarity
- blue rarity
Seems hard to find, i guess.
Hi there,
just thought, i should give it a try...
Maybe anyone can help.
There are two Skins missing to finish my special collection of Staffs.
They have to be PRE Nerf.
Don`t need to be max dmg.
No max Mods need.
Not even gold. (also white,blue,pruple)
Also no need to be dual mod.
Just need to be Pre Nerf with Necro Attribute or HSR/HCT on Necro Attribute.
And should have these Skins:
- Outcast
- Dragon
Also looking for:
Necro pre Nerf Staff in
-White & blue.
- no special Skin
Nearly sure, i can`t afford a perfect 10/10 one, so let me see your trash Pre Nerf Staffs.
Help to finish a collection.
greetings DSF18
Q8 11-21 Dmg Pre nerf Celestial Staff hct/hsr 10% OS DM
Q8 11-21 Dmg Pre nerf Celestial Staff hct/hsr 10% OS DM
S.b 1e
If DM = Deathmagic - 30e on it
Hi there,
maybe someone can need it. Feel free to offer on it.
Water Wand, req 9 Water Magic, HSR Water Magic 20%, HCT Spells 10%S/B: 1G
C/O: 130e
B/O: 220e
Tribal Blade,
15-22,req 8
WHITE, clean, sold,sry
Miniature Asura Pet, clean
S/B: 1g
Gothik Defender (oldsql)
16 (req 10Tac)
HP +29
S/B: 1G
Guardian of the Hunt (oldsql)
16(req10 Tac)
Armor +9 (vs. Slash)
Hp +45^stance
S/B: 1G
Bone Staff (oldsql)
11-22 (req 12Death)20/20 (HCT Death)
S/B: 1g
Zodiac Daggers (oldsql)
req 10, 15^50
S/B: 1g
Oni Daggers (oldsql)
req 9, 15^50
S/B: 1g
C/O: 10e
R/B: 15e
B/O: 20e