Posts by Händler
A small Bump even tho its not rly necessary at this point. Ty for all the offers so far.
Ill list here a few items that have seen the most interest so far, so you have an overview:Gloom q10 Tac Fire +1(20%) +30HP - c/o: 150e (Emma)
Gloom q9 Tac -2(wE) +30HP - c/o: 1200e (Jamie)
Gloom q9 Str +30HP -5/20 - c/o: 500e (ingame)
Gloom q9 Str +30HP -2(wE) - c/o: 100e (Aco)
Gloom q9 Str -2/+45(WiaS) - c/o: 500e (ingame)GPB q8 +5e - c/o: 20a (ingame)
Plagueborn Sword q8 +5e - c/o: 65a (ingame)
Celestial Sword q8 +5e - c/o: 60a (Acid)
Jade Sword q8 +5e - c/o: 30a (pequeno)
Oni Blade q8 +5e - c/o: 70a (ingame)
Broad Sword q8 +5e - c/o: 250a (Jamie)Longsword q7 15^50 - c/o: 250a (ingame)
Added all Gloom Shields I got, its a ton rly. Not sure yet if Ill sell any, offers will show. Don't ask for b/o's please, if there is no b/o that means Im still not sure about selling or just haven't decided on the b/o yet, with the time Ill add more n more b/o's and/or r/b's. On the low end stuff my prices are pretty high, just offer on the items if u want sth its very likely Ill sell under the listed price (only most low end items).
Bump ...
*NEW* Added q8 +5e
*Updated* Stuff that was sold already and added some new things*Lowered* some prices, also feel free to offer on anything with or without a price, all offers will be considered!
You can also offer in PM or ingame. Ingame and PM Offers on high end items will be listed as anonymous. If you think my c/os are fake, then please leave this thread immediately and don't contact me ever again, ty.
Q9 Katana - 50e
Q9 Shinobi blade - 50e
Q9 Jade axe - 20e
Q9 Hand axe (canthan) - 20e
Q9 Hand axe (tyrian) - 10e -
Feel free to offer on el ghostly / el knight on my thread (
I also have q10 15^50 Kukris, I kno u want q9 but maybe u still interested :p
Outcast Staff Q9 Smiting 20/20 Smiting - 150e
Outcast Staff Q9 Earth 20/20 Earth - 150e -
ty for trade
I have the same issue on chrome, it always says the website is not secure :p
27 for me please, since that'll be my age in like one week :p
Just participating to post sth here :p Since I got more than enough money in the game I will do a raffle on my own in case I win any of the prices using the same names and numbers from this thread. I would pay three times the value of my price then, so basically that means if I get lucky someone else will get even more lucky :p
Aight so Im starting to copy pasta my threads from guru so they dont get lost :p Gonna start with my never ending wtb list
Lookin for the following things:
1. OS q7/q8 +5e Swords/Axes (Max DMG only)
Priority List Swords:
1 - q8 +5e Dusk Blade [Bounty: huge reward for you if you find me a seller]
2 - Any q7 +5e Sword (any Skin)
3 - Any q8 +5e Proph/Core Skin Sword
4 - Any other q8 +5e Canthan SwordsPriority List Axes:
1 - Any q7 +5e Axe (if even existing)
2 - Any q8 +5e Proph/Core Skin Axe
3 - Hand Axe q8 +5e (Canthan Skin - if even existing)
4 - Serpent Axe q8 +5e (Canthan Skin - if even existing)
5 - Crude Axe q8 +5e (if even existing)
6 - Battle Axe (cleaver) q8 +5e (if even existing)
7 - Any other q8 +5e Canthan Skin AxeSo basically pm me for any q7 or q8 +5e sword/axe u find, Im always interested, for some skins more and for others less, but still potentially buyin any skin.
2. q8 inscr Swords/Axes (Max DMG only)
- Any Skin q8 gold max dmg inscr Axe (if existing)
- Any PROPH/CORE Skin q8 gold max dmg inscr Sword
- Any PROPH/CORE Skin q8 purple/blue max dmg inscr Sword
- q8 PURPLE max dmg inscr FDS and Fellblade! (payin very well)3. OS q8 Bows (Max DMG only)
- Any Skin q8 Dual Vamp Bow
4. OS q9 20/20 Staves (Max DMG ofc)
Skins I collect (and what I still need of those):
Standard Skins:
- OS q9 20/20 SP Conjuring Staff - PAYING 250e
- OS q9-13 20/20 Water Staff (Tyrian/dead skin) PRENERF
- OS q9-13 20/20 Fire Staff (Tyrian/dead skin) PRENERFMixed Staffs aka "Usually Merchfood" (Paying 20e /ea - Exceptions marked)
- OS q9 20/20 SP+Com Conjuring Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Chan+SP Channeling Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Chan+Com Channeling Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Com+SP Eerie Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Com+Chan Eerie Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Dom+Inspi Clairvoyant Staff - PAYING 30e
- OS q9 20/20 Blood+Death Dark Tendril Staff
- OS q9 20/20 Blood+Curse Dark Tendril StaffPlagueborn Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Smite, Earth, Air, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Illu/Inspi, Death, Curse, Com, Com/Resto, Chan, Chan/Resto
Outcast Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 Dom/Inspi, Chan/Resto
Jade Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Smite, Smite, Earth, Dom/Inspi, Illu/Inspi, SP/Resto, Com/Resto
Amber Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Heal, DF/Smite, DF, Smite, Fire, Earth, Water, Dom, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Illu/Inspi, Death, SP/Resto, Com, Com/Resto, Chan, Chan/Resto
Forbidden Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Prot, DF/Heal, DF/Smite, DF, Smite, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Dom, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Illu/Inspi, Curse, Blood, SP, Com, Chan, Chan/Resto
Shadow Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Prot, DF/Heal, DF/Smite, Fire, Water, Dom, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Illu/Inspi, Death, Curse, SP, SP/Resto, Com/Resto, Chan/Resto
Ghostly Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Smite, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Illu/Inspi, SP, SP/Resto, Com, Com/Resto, Chan/Resto
Celestial Staff:
- OS q9 20/20 DF/Heal, DF/Smite, Smite, Earth, Air, Water, Dom, Dom/Inspi, Illu, Blood, SP, SP/Resto, Com/Resto, Chan, Chan/Resto
5. Upgrades
atm interested in any Staff Wrappings with ritualist attribute +1 (20%), pm what u got :>
Thats it for now, might add more now and then.