5a ea demon sotw and aegis
Posts by ursan ftw
eternal 1000e. I sold q9 eternal -2ench +10 undead for 250e and that mod is 20x more common and not so usefull
10-15a unless theres bid war between two person who look for this skin. Usefull for only jadoth pull but these kids in doa scene have more money than brain....
oni 20-60e. depends alot if someone is looking for it or just picking it for their warrior just coz
15a plague on the -2/10demons shield..
6.5) Dusk Blade 2a
ign: pikku hinari
9.17) Summit Axe 2a
6.22) Vertebreaker 1a
6.5) Dusk Blade 1a
ign: pikku hinari -
bump bump trying to catch you guys online
bump selling most of the stuff on Wednesday. Been busy with other stuff sorry all bidders
Round Shield Q9 Tac +10vsDwarves +45e 200e
30e for the fellblade
hammer +20% dmg vs Trolls
axe +20% dmg vs Giants
hammer Fortitude 3x
sword Fortitude
i buy these if you still got. ign: ursan ftw -
125e/ea shadow shields
#21 15e
ign ursan ftw
125e q9 tac +10 demons +41 zodiac
25e q9 tac +10 demons +41 zodiac
q8 gda +5e 60a
q9 Earth Guardian Branch --> B/O 2e
Wintergreen Scythe --> B/O 3e -
Gothic Sword +5 energy Req 8 15a
Gothic Sword +5 energy Req 8 12a
q10 tactics plagueborn +10 vs demons -2w/e 150e
bump selling stuff cheap
bump sold items removed
q8 +5e Morning Star Axe
q8 +5e Archaic Axe
q8 +5e Dragoncrest Axe
q8 +5e Mammoth Axe400e each
200e #6
ign ursan ftw
Bump added new stuff