Posts by Speccy
50e to get rid of trolls
I am aware that some of these are considered "merch".
"-" = no offer as of yet
b/o's might be added, might not. PM me for more info.
1. c/o 25e
2. -
3. -
4. c/o 8a
5. -
6. -
7. -
8. -
9. -
10. -
11. -
12. -
13. -
14. -
15. -
16. -
17. -
18. -
19. -
20. -
21. -
22. c/o 25e
23. -
24. -
25. c/o 50e
26. Sold
27. -
28. -
29. -
30. -
31. -
32. -
33. -
34. -
B1. -
B2. -
B3. -
B4. -
B5. -
IGN: Specter Wazariq
I'd like an invite
IGN Specter Wazariq
Selling a few things.
Wintergreen Shield
b/o 75e
Wintergreen Spear
b/o 75e
Frog Scepter Q12 Communing
s/b - 5e
c/o - 5e Chuckstor
b/o 100e obo
Voltaic Spear Q12
Celestial Compass q11 Domination
Storm Bow Q9 Insc
S/b 1e
c/o - 5e Shur1ken
b/o 25e obo
Destroyer Staff Illusion
c/o -
b/o 10e
More stuff added soon, -
take care
I got this miniature Pig which is "customized" rather than unded (pre-nerfed).
Is it worth anything?
Thanks in advance
Dhuums Fractured But Whole [Ouch]
Freshly started guild looking for laid-back people.
We're a bunch of old friends who've gathered to build a guild again.
We've been around since the early days the most of us.
We have a relaxed atmosphere and no requirements as of now.
Our aim is to be able to do a variety of things on a daily basis.
Things we're aiming to do/already doing:
- DungeonSC's
Such as Shards of Orr, Kathandrax, Bogroots Growth, etc.
- Underworld
- Fissure of Woe
- Zaishen Vanquish/Bounty/Mission
- Hall of Heroes
- Title Hunting
& more.
Recently we joined the alliance of Gods of Mortals [Gwam]
who are Kurzick and together we own a town.
At the moment we are around 15 people in the guild but looking to grow
in the upcoming weeks.
If this feels like the guild for you do not hesitate to contact us either here or ingame.
I Ching I
Specter Wazariq
Qunty Kvark
Vita Samidare
See you in game, peace & love
theyre still around, up up
Bump, added c/o's
Thanks so much for your PC's - bump aswell for some more opinions
bump. please help me out
As the title reads.
IGN Specter Wazariq
s/b - 25e
c/o - 50e juniormaster
b/o - tba / obo
s/b - 10e
c/o - 50e juniormaster
b/o - tba / obo
s/b - 1e
c/o -
b/o - -
s/b - 5e
c/o - -
b/o - -
As the title says im looking for price checks on all these
I've been inactive so I have no clue if some of it is merch and if some of it is not so I need your help.
Also selling these if you're interested. Thanks
****mod edit--removed new items please read the Xunlai Market rules regarding price checks!!! NEW items require a NEW thread--thread is now closed!---mod edit***
Selling these two.
s/b 10e
c/o -
b/o TBA
(goes for both)IGN Specter Wazariq
Hi. Selling these OS items.
Highest bidder will receive the item(s) in a short time.
s/b 1e2.
s/b 1e3.
s/b 1e4.
s/b 1e5.
s/b 1e6.
s/b 1e7.
s/b 1e8.
s/b 1e9.
s/b 1e10.
s/b 1e11.
s/b 1e12.
s/b 1e13.
s/b 1e
s/b 1e15.
s/b 1e16.
s/b 1e17.
s/b 1e18.
s/b 1e19.
s/b 1e20.
s/b 1eIGN Specter Wazariq
Well 38 i guess then