Basically title - currently seeking an outcast shield with +45hp wE +10 armor vs plants
PM here or in game at: Mr Money Master
Basically title - currently seeking an outcast shield with +45hp wE +10 armor vs plants
PM here or in game at: Mr Money Master
i know its not q9 but i currently have a q10 bladed +10 demons -2 wE
2a summit warlord shield
#19 20/10 Smiting Bo Staff 50e
#90 - q9 20/10 Bo Staff Smiting - 65e
IGN: Mr Money Master
I'd like to buy an Eternal Shield with +10 vs Undead -2 while enchanted ---------- Also looking for a 20/10 Bo Staff Smiting
Any req is fine, but obviously the lower, the better
IGN: Mr Money Master
#90 - q9 20/10 Bo Staff Smiting 25e
IGN: Mr Money Master
I second the above pc. The typical going rate for a q9 prot bds is 70a. With it being unidentified I would actually say it worth less due to the fact that bds are known to bug and not allot for an inscription slot.
Hello, currently I am seeking a shield that has the mods +10 vs plants - while enchanted. The req and the skin don't exactly matter at the moment, but please let me know what you have to offer!
IGN: Mr Money Master
#59 Q9 Shadow Blade +5e : 1a/75e