Posts by Hairy Knight
Vertebreaker I would just sell to the merchant.
For the CC, Dom is very popular. 300-400e I would suspect.
5e Cold Celestial
EDIT: 5e as well Forbidden Staff
That's a nice shield.
But if I may make a suggestion, looking at screenshots like yours hurts the eyes and is very unappealing. If you could post screenshot(s) in a different way next time, that would be preferred.
Either list the stats out in written form or use the Print Screen key and post the image into paint, crop it, save it then post it.
As for price, ~5 arms.
Grim Cesta ~50k
Jade Longbow 10-15e
The rest is junk.
q9 str +10vs lightning +45^ench
Worth very little. Go ahead and exchange it for a weapon.
I'd put it around 50-75e. Probably closer to the lower end.
Thank you for posting this. Just wanted to add this to the potential sword drops.
Guys.. It finally happened!
If you know me, you know I constantly hunt q8 ins weapons. I have been for over a year and a half. Countless rare shields, tons of duplicate focuses and 1 q8 purple max sword... UNTIL TODAY.
Literally yelled at my monitor like it just coughed on me out in public.
Disbelief is not even a strong enough word for how I am feeling.
I am so jealous haha. Seriously, I am just happy to see something like this dropping in 2020.
I would have pooped my pants at least.
Plagueborn Shield - I would merch.
Oni Blade - 10-20e
Round Shield - This is quite nice. I would try for around 150e or more.
Zodiac Shield - Q12 Strength - +10vs cold, +45hp^stance
Q10 Voltaic Spear
Q9 OS dual-mod Chaos Axe dmg +20% hexed
Hmm. It's off 1 AR for the max value for req4. And also off 1 on the AR vs Demons.
Someone may still want it. But valuewise, it's not worth much.
Still looking? We can discuss price in-game.
<--- IGN
q10 Strength Plagueborn Shield +45(stance) +10 vs. Piercing
A GotH with decent max mods is a rare sight.
Sad but 250-300e sounds right, maybe more with patience.
Been quite a while, still working on my Nature Collection but I finally managed to finish the set I wanted since start : Briar + Oaken Aegis Q8 Purple
Thanks to Fadam & W E E E E E E E E E for providing me those items ~
I rarely say this but I find this really cool.
I also just double posted. Probably will get zapped in the butt now.
Q13 Str +45we +10 Earth
I might be interested as well depending on time zone.