5k B13
5k B13
Be cautious regarding that req4 Sunqua Blade. I could see that fetching a pretty penny depending on who's interested. The 15% vs Hexed mod is actually desirable to some and isn't a bad mod at all.
The rest seem like merchfood.
I don't know why I have these around from long ago.
Yeah, that one off kills it completely. Some would say merch but I try to advocate to sell it for a low price to see if anyone would grab it.
Try around 20-30k. If no bites, toss it.
25 arms Magmas
-50 Cesta for 75k if you're still looking
<---- IGN
Display MoreIf it's simply the Dead Swords you want, may I suggest Fahranur, The First City as a good farming spot in HM. The Relentless Corpses drop a fair number of them and it's a rather easy run. Other than a few Ridgeback Skale with Agonizing Chop while getting there, it's rather quick and easy. There are traps in the building but, they're easily avoided.
As for ancient builds however, an old 55 Monk/Dervish is what I've most often used there.
Shield of Judgement
Shield of Absorption
Mystic Regeneration
Protective Spirit
Blessed Signet
Balthazar's Spirit
Blessed Aura
Watchful Spirit
with 8 Smiting Prayers / 9 Protection Prayers / 10 Divine Favor / 9 Earth Prayers with the usual Runes / Equipment.
With my old guild, I always had a few q9 Dead Swords on hand for anybody that wanted one; I gave away 50-ish over time. It always seemed to me as I did the run, that the quality of items and number of Gold drops went up as you made your 2nd and 3rd runs. (If you try the farming run, let me know if you get the same impression on the quality and quantity of drops or if I'm just imagining it.)
I really appreciate all the info. I hope to try it out soon. I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks a bundle!
q10 gothic dual axe +15-1hr 20e
q9 bo staf 20/10 curse S/B
q9 dragon staff 20/10 dom S/B
q10 gothic dual axe +15-1hr 10e
This came out of left field entirely. What a nice drop though.
It's kinda funny too because I have an echovald with the same stats that dropped for me a long time ago.
I'll do S/B on the plagueborn shield.
Any interest for no inherent staffs?
which set up would you recommend for HM during the 'Destroy the Ungrateful Slaves' quest? Many of the builds and guides I am finding are ancient.
Any suggestions?
Actually, it's this puppy that needs the twin:
That's one of the reasons why I bid on it while it was on sale recently.
But I shouldn't even be posting this. Red has a bounty out for my little butt in several countries. I am going underground again, under different names. I may not resurface again for several months.
Not much. I would be surprised if it went to 50e.
I think Red is looking down on me.
Lower req next time, Red. Plox.
Zombie apocalypse
q12 str +30hp +1 Smithing 20%
I am happy with this drop tonight.
100e shadow shield
<----- IGN
Nice skin but that damage mod kills it.
I would probably just toss it.
If you can find someone to give you 20e for it, I'd take it.
If it was mine, I'd probably toss it.