Half Moon maybe 10-15e. Could be hard to sell.
Shadow bow 10-15e
Shadow blade 15-20e
The rest I would merch after salvaging some of the nicer mods if you can be bothered to sell them.
Half Moon maybe 10-15e. Could be hard to sell.
Shadow bow 10-15e
Shadow blade 15-20e
The rest I would merch after salvaging some of the nicer mods if you can be bothered to sell them.
Doc (what's up!)
<--- IGN if interested
~50e sounds about right
Defender Q10str +30hp +10vDragons
Defender Q10str +30hp +10vDemons
Don't sell anything to any personal messages.
No exceptions.
15e Outcast Staff
Req9 Zodiac Sword 15^50 -=- 15e
Req9 Zodiac Sword -=- 10e
I'll take these. Cheers!
Very long time a dropped 5x this on 20 min, on VQ. But, the green is bad..
That's why it's the 'forgotten' fan.
Hey peeps! & peepettes (I didn't forget about you )
I haven't participated in this event in years. I am probably not going to do the boardwalk stuff. My Lucky title was maxed long ago and I don't care to finish the Unlucky title track.
I was just curious what are some suggestion on what to do with the lunar tokens? Should I convert them to lunar fortunes or red gift bags or just leave them as is? Lunar fortunes seem to be the way to go. I am getting a load of lunar tokens from A Chance Encounter and will probably be farming there quite a bit over this weekend.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to sell whatever I convert them to after the event. Are the fortunes the way to go?
r11 75e
<--- IGN if interested
Well, let's see.
The Eternal Shield would probably fetch around 20-30e.
The Zodiac Longbow I'd try and sell for around 50e.
The Crystalline is probably worth the most here. I would wait for someone who knows more about them currently.
I was talking with a friend about that earlier. He mentioned the bots as well.
I am really surprised bots could farm there though. Unless the whole team were bots and they weren't going in with heroes? Because I can't imagine a bot being able to micro heroes like a human could to get it done properly.
More stuff from A Chance Encounter. Really like farming here, mostly because of the skin variety.
Last I checked, I am a person...Unless I am a robot sent from the future. Hmm.
That's quite nice. I wouldn't sell for less than 10-15 arms.
It's not really my favorite but it was something I wanted to use more before I left a long awhile back. I remember wanting to play it with the old conjure flame build haha. Sadly, I never really put it to use so the set mostly just sits there.
Couple new weekend goodies. Seeking some input. Thank you.
A Chance Encounter. Something half decent for a change.
Going to retract. Been buying too many goodies lately.
100e #5
You spotted it fast, Red.
50e Defender (#5)
<--- IGN
desk (made from the wood of that tree which I had to look up lol)
Was it really necessary to take that one armor away...Like come on.
I wouldn't merch it.
I would try to get around 20-30e out of it.
Of course there's no inscription slot.
Edit: Well, got this a little later from a Kournan chest so my luck evens out a little bit:
Edit 2: Interesting drop. 1 off max. Y'all know where this is lol. I wonder if this is worth selling.