Posts by Hairy Knight
2,3,5,6,7,9 are pretty much junk
The rest aren't worth much either but might get some ectos if put up for bidding.
150e Sun & Moon
I expected nothing but am still disappointed
Dad, is that you?
200a chaos
S/B Chromium shards pls
r/b demon goth
Bump this up!
The jeweled staff comes in two different skins. The twin serpent variant is usually more valuable. At q13 however, it's probably not worth much either way.
Gothic Defender/Gothic Sword should be merched.
Anti Thank you again!
Let's bump this up!
The q12, I would just merch it. The q9, maybe 10-30e.
Bone Staff 20/20 20e
I bought a pair of q9 +5en celestial daggers recently for 10e if that helps.
Bump! Some R/Bs and B/Os added.
r/b 019
100e 021
<- IGN