Posts by Arenir
Bumpity bump.
Rescinding 185A EBlade offer. Thanks and gl.
Looking to buy a Exalted Aegis depending on the mods.
Also looking for any req (max AR) +1/20% Prot shields with one of these mods:-2 w/ Ench
+30 HP
+45 w/ Ench,
or any (+10 vs Fire/Cold/Lightning/Earth)
Any skin is fine. Or if you have a +1 shield and don't know if I'd want it, throw a message here or in-game.
Willing to pay quite a bit for a +1 Prot Exalted Aegis version, don't know if one exists though.
The dream goal: -
185a Q9 EBlade
Are you still running? If so I'd love a Obby Run + Tours. Willing to pay 10a for it all.
IGN: Devout Arenir -
Would love to buy a Nightfall & FoW Armor Run. Let me know when you're available.
q13 exalted aegis +1prot20% +10vs demons pm me here or ingame if interested
Dm'd you!
Looking for +1/20% Prot shields with one of these mods:
-2 w/ Ench
+30 HP
+45 w/ Ench,
or any (+10 vs Fire/Cold/Lightning/Earth)
Any skin is fine. Or if you have a +1 shield and don't know if I'd want it, throw a message here or in-game.
Willing to pay quite a bit for a +1 Prot Exalted Aegis version, don't know if one exists though.
I'm also willing to buy any other OS Dual-Mod Exalted assuming we can agree on a price.
Let me know your prices here or in-game: Benevolent ArenirThe dream goal:
Bump. Paying your price! Anyone? D:
Looking for someone to offer speedbooks for EoTN Reputation.
I'm NA, so ideal times would be from 12:00pm EST -> 11:00pm EST
Let me know your price. Looking to have 258k worth of reputation done/86 books worth.
Please message on Discord, as it's the easiest way to reach out to me. -
Hey, can't seem to get you when you're in-game. Pm me on Discord? I want to buy 8 or 9 EoTN Speedbooks. Discord: Arenir#4403
No thanks, nice shield though (:
Bump! -
After a long hiatus- bump!
Thank you for the offers, but I'll pass.
Also, bump. -
Interested in the q11 or 12 tac -2 ench +1 Divine(20%) and the q10 str -2ench +1 Healing(20%) Gothic.
20e ea.