Posts by QS Ice
the blue shields + purple round shield ~50-70e/ea.
fellblade isn´t perfect so probably hard to sell (no idea what value)
woven, scarabshell and lotus shield probably atleast 4a+/ea.
Back in Tombs/HA it was usefull to have a constant in your name.
So, while I was thinking about how to name myself an empty can of Ice Tea stood around me.
In that moment I thought "Ice Tea" would be cool -> "Ice Tea Healz Yaa" was the first character in that line,
later in the game (and to separate myself from the 2 other players named Ice Tea) I had to get rid of the Tea to have more space naming my character thats why only the word Ice was allowed to stay
Wait for the bonus weeks
these are your best chances to find a group/matchmaking
cause pcons depend on the season these are the prices at the moment
per Stack:
cupcakes : 15e (will go up to 20e)
apples: 10-15(should be 10e)
pies: 20e
corn: 10-15 (should be 10e)
eggs: 15-20e
lunars: 20-25e (should be 20e normally)
cookies: 5e
honeycombs: 5e
clovers: 5-10e
pepper cc: ?
res scrolls: 200e (should be 80e normally -> less plant fiber botting)
conset: 4e (should be 2.5-3e normally, but less feather botting )
party beacon: 3e
iced tea:1e
delicious cake:2e
250e on the q7/15 tactics tall shield (if its golden)
agree with Mozo
sold a deathmagic q9 one for 8a
90e sun and moon
60e sun and moon