Posts by Gott2022
Hi !
it's been a while !
get ready; offer stop until tuesday 21:00 gmt+1 Madrid
What i have in stock :
Outcast Q9 20/20 Fire ( I'm not sure about this one so I will close the offer in saturday 14th at 12 gmt+1 (EU) if it's good for the mod)
Zodiac Q9 20/10 Dom
Zodiac Q9 20/10 Smit
Insc :
Shinobi Blade Q9
Magmas Shiel Q9
Celestial Shiel Q9 strength
Stygian reaver Q9
Fire Staff Q9
Fiery blade Axz Q9
Serpent Axe Q9
Bonus :
Cauldron Q10 10SR +10vs Demon
Emblazoned Defender Q13 Healing Prayers+1 (20%) -3hex
I got some stuff and I want a PC
for OS :heart: :
Emblazoned Defender Q13 Tactics Healing +1/20% -3/hexed
Plagueborn recurve box Q9 +20%/Hex
2 Zodiac Staff Q9 Smit & Domi 20/10
Outcast Staff Q9 fire 20/20 (all fire)
Fellblade Q9 +15%/stc
Dragon staff Q11 curse 20/10
For insc
Stygian reaver Q9 & Q11
Draconic Aegis Q10 Strength
Pyriclastic Axe Q11
Celestial Shield Q9 Strength
Fire Staff Q9
Thanks you
I will sell them later if the price is interesting
I will no reply on PM offer
Hey everyone,
I didn't sold this to the merch, should I do ?
Well it's been 4 years i'm looking for somethings like this thas why I'm asking
I never got some of this and i'm sure people thinks it's merch
I will post on the "buy" with more information on what I need
Thanks again !
For more information I love ChestRuning and got some nice shield but never mix like this
looking for this
WTB Shield +20 crippled // +1/20% Blood
Price on skin and Q (look for all Q)
Thx in advance
Well thx
There is still hope I can drop one
is this kind of mix are available on a OS Shield ?
+1/20% any magic
-20% conditions
thx in advance ?