I would appreciate a PC on these two items.
Thanks in advance
I would appreciate a PC on these two items.
Thanks in advance
I was wondering if for any of these items it would be worth not to merch them.
Thanks in advance!
I would take the remaining axe if it's still available
Ign: Freaky Origin
s/b on:
2x Shadow shield tac
1x Shadow shield str
1x Fellblade
1x Guardian of the Hunt tac
Ign: Freaky Origin
I would buy the q9 Obsidian Edge for 399e.
Ign: Freaky Origin
unded Cloudtouched Simian 750g
ign Freaky Origin
I would be interested in the following items:
1x Dagger Handle of Fortitude 2e
2x Sundering Bow String 2e
2x Bow Grip of Fortitude 2e
3x Sundering Scythe Snathe 12k
2x Scythe Grip of Fortitude 4e
2x Furious Spearhead 4e
1x Spear Grip of Fortitude 2e
10x Strength and Honor 30k
1x Siege Devourer
In total:
Ign: Freaky Origin
just wanted to check if this OS Eternal Bow is worth anything.
Thanks in advance!